You want an all Protestant Court.
I have no problems with Catholics and Jews on the Court.
What is “progressive” about that?
Protestant 47%
No Religion 23%
Catholic 21%
Jewish 2%
Mormon >2%
Everything Else ~ 5%
Data from Evil Pew Center
Amazing that when I advocate representation for a shunned group, you get belligerent. Next you'll be telling us that minorities should only win elections, like the Leftists!
But maybe that's what ya be.
So let's see now...that means that the court should be
Protestant 4
No Religion 2
Catholic 2
Everyone else 1
We could alternate 1 Jewish member with one Mormon every decade or so.
So that's it Bunky. Your Catholo-Jewish court is absurd. It is so grossly mis-representative of the American populace it's comical. The opinions it comes up with are distorted diatribes of tiny minorities trying to rip gashes in the body politic.
I proposed a sensible solution earlier on this thread: the Court should have 1 each from the Federal Districts. That would be...drum roll please...9 Justices.
That they could be recalled by a majority vote of the State legislators in their district would be a helpful, federalist idea as well. We used to want to keep politics out of the Judiciary but apparently the Judiciary didn't have the self discipline to stay out of politics. So, we impose a political feedback loop on them.
But proportional representation in terms of religion is now necessary since the Court has declared war on religion in America.