Protestant 47%
No Religion 23%
Catholic 21%
Jewish 2%
Mormon >2%
Everything Else ~ 5%
Data from Evil Pew Center
Amazing that when I advocate representation for a shunned group, you get belligerent. Next you'll be telling us that minorities should only win elections, like the Leftists!
But maybe that's what ya be.
So let's see now...that means that the court should be
Protestant 4
No Religion 2
Catholic 2
Everyone else 1
We could alternate 1 Jewish member with one Mormon every decade or so.
So that's it Bunky. Your Catholo-Jewish court is absurd. It is so grossly mis-representative of the American populace it's comical. The opinions it comes up with are distorted diatribes of tiny minorities trying to rip gashes in the body politic.
I proposed a sensible solution earlier on this thread: the Court should have 1 each from the Federal Districts. That would be...drum roll please...9 Justices.
That they could be recalled by a majority vote of the State legislators in their district would be a helpful, federalist idea as well. We used to want to keep politics out of the Judiciary but apparently the Judiciary didn't have the self discipline to stay out of politics. So, we impose a political feedback loop on them.
But proportional representation in terms of religion is now necessary since the Court has declared war on religion in America.
Summarized, it's
1 Justice each from the 9 Federal Districts And
They could be recalled by a majority vote of the State legislators in their district (similar to the Senate prior the 17th Amendment)
Sakic was upset that I thought there should be more Protestants on the court since there are currently NONE on the court, which is so out of balance with the Americans that it borders on ludicrous. That two of the "Justices" are Jewish females with long political activist histories is simply absurd and outrageous. You can't even put a fig leaf of legitimacy on them: Kagan was never a judge. How can someone say with a straight face that she was appointed based on her Brilliance as a Jurist?
So it's obvious they were nominated for their virulent and extremist views which are part of their ethno-religious identities. In their communities perhaps they are "normal", but it just proves that what is normal to them is grossly abnormal to the American populace. As for Catholics we have a two to one split; Kennedy is a product of California Leftism, a Liberation Theology Catholic who went off the cliff a long time ago.
But even silliness like this is just playing on the fringes. The Court long ago arrogated far too much power and has now insisted that they control the States in matters which they should have no say. My proposal is almost innocuous in comparison to their breathtaking destruction of foundational norms in Judeo-Christian society.
A Free Society is one that is Free to determine it's own structure, how it will live. The Court has just denied that to us, based on arrogating illegitimate power.
It's time to end this madness. We are not their Subjects.
The only ridiculous thing proposed by either of us is your proposal that wants Protestants on the Court.
First you wanted all Protestants on the Court, because that’s what it was originally.
Now you’ve amended your position to want representation based on the religions of the general population.
Next, you’ll want something else.
Bunky? Bubba?
This is the first communication I have ever exchanged with a bad stereotype.