I understand the sentiment, but as our economy collapses a lot of the social pathologies historically found in urban slums are now spreading throughtout the general population like wildfire. People with no sense of purpose are basically self-medicating for deep-rooted chronic depression; we are watching the death (literally) of a civilization. Not that the country itself will disappear, or that there will be some violent armageddon;instead, it will limp along increasingly populated by foreigners and will bear no resemblance at all to the WASP country founded nearly 250 years ago that dominated the world for about a century.
I’m shocked by the number of young “Anglos” today with spotty employment, poor education, no intention of having families, and who are solely focused on smoking marijuana - the opium of our day.
No they're not. They're spreading among the lowlife scum, but the majority of the general population that does not engage in shooting up with dirty needles and anal sex is at very low risk.
The ones in the general population who are at risk are the medical personnel who are forced to treat these dregs and because of HEPA laws have no idea if they're infected or not.