Whats wrong with Hannity? Hes a dedicated conservative on most issues. Im not saying hes 100% but hes definitely in the top 1% as far as media personalities go.
Hannity is OK. Politics are OK. Always on the correct side of issues. His problem is that he’s way too predictable and, for me, just boring. I’ve listened to him for years but right now he needs something to freshen up his show. My recommendation: Hannity and (Kirsten) Powers.
The difference between Hannity and Megyn Kelly is that with Megyn you just might gain some insight into the issue at hand. Not so with Hannity. To some extent that is due to Megyn’s choice of guests and her legal background. She’s just way better at what she does than either Hannity or O’Reilly.
I guess you and other Hannity critics are right about his entertainment quotient. But isn’t that sad that someone who is mostly right most of the time (my only problem with him is he seems to like Karl Marx Rove) gets written off because of his failure to entertain?
I’m not criticizing your opinion, just saying how criticism of Hannity makes me feel a sense of hopelessness for our cause. In that being Right is somehow just not good enough.
Maybe he ought to get himself one of those cheesey French tams, grow a goatee and go all Hollywood on us.
Yep. You always know what Hannity will say on any issue because it's what Rush said 20 years ago.
Hannity and Colmes was the better show.