No ones biting that this might have been staged as a prelude to Jade Helm. I mean, if you’re the military about to commandeer the citizenry, who’d you like to take off the streets in advance? Guys with guns on motorcycles.. A very mobile and organized force. POOF! Now all in jail. DONE.
>> Guys with guns on motorcycles.. A very mobile and organized force. <<
Actually not very organized. Melee yes, squad combat no.
Despite all the old biker movies, individual heroics (or stupidity) aren’t going to be terribly effective against combat troops trained for terrorism and insurgency.
I think offhand simply the cops were trigger happy
And it jumped off and now they are controlling release of facts to their advantage
By blanket overcharging and bond craziness and confiscations pell mell
Regardless whether justified kills or not.....most of the overcharging etc will fall apart