You’re not of the liberal persuasion who uses “Judge not” as an excuse to give a free pass to select people [themselves, or others], regardless of their actions, are you?
As for your question of “what teaching found in the Catechism ALLOWS me to do this”... I’m really rather speechless at the abyss between Catholicism and your attempt to understand it. How on earth can you even ask such a question? What on earth gives you the idea that the Church micromanages every last point of a Catholic’s life?
Next, I suppose you’ll ask me where the CCC “allows” me to eat potato chips cooked in lard...
...but I’m probably wasting my breath, here, anyway. Anti-Catholics aren’t known for reasonable discourse or openness to input which isn’t on their pre-approved list of “Protestant Articles of Belief”. I’d love for someone to prove me wrong, on that point, someday.
So you choose to ramble instead of sticking with the ACCUSATION I hurled your way.