Posted on 05/18/2015 1:03:46 PM PDT by BradtotheBone
Bristol needs to be a bit more 'careful' in selecting guys if this thing about her fiancee having a 'secret wife' turns out to be true.
Somehow, I think there must be a hidden reason for this. Really odd.
Where’s the father in all of this?
These things happen. It could have been the bangs. In other news, it has been discovered that people who fart together stay together. Gaseous familiarity stimulates pheromone bonding.
“If you knew then what you know now, would you have proposed and/or accepted?”
"Regarding salacious headlines in recent days about 'secret wives', Dakota and I discussed our past relationships prior to our engagement. Dakota was legally divorced years ago, as any good reporter could and should have disclosed to readers," Bristol said. "As usual, false stories and dramatically written headlines begging controversy should be disregarded, and we have faith that our privacy will be respected at this time by those with decency."
Bristol ended her message with a thank you, but speculation still continues as to if this wedding will be rescheduled! On Saturday, Bristol posted a picture* without her engagement ring.
*Picture at link.
I’m not sure they are calling off the engagement. The article says they were not having the wedding on the day they had planned. Maybe they knew the wedding was going to be crashed by media and decided to have something more under the radar. Can’t blame them. The media are like a bunch of hyenas when it comes to the Palins.
I agree with you that they are solid Christians. Bristol got off to a rocky start, but it was certainly nothing that hasn’t happened countless times. She has a beautiful son who is dearly loved.
Looks a little too crazy for me.
I would love to see the family of any other Governor, who was asked to participate in a national election, held to a similar standard of behavior as the Palins.
I’ve never seen any reason to call them trash.
These people who like to call Sarah and her family trash must lead a very moral life.
Oh, I certainly hope you don’t lose sleep over those questions.
Naming your children after pickup trucks is a Southern tradition.
Dakota’s from Kentucky.
“If he was divorced, no big deal.”
Well, you say that, but many people would not feel that way. Could be religious reasons, could be a trust issue.
It seems they were kind of rushing into the wedding as it was.
Crazy in the head, crazy in bed, as my mom always says.
Wait, I think someone else said that.
The Palins also live a very moral life, that is why they are so popular among conservatives and the religious right and the tea party.
Could be.
Bristol said....”we have faith that our privacy will be respected at this time”...
Sorry bit too late when she has played her life out for the media for years now. Like it or not whatever Palin’s say or do is media fodder, favorable and not. It goes with the territory they have chosen to walk in.
Sorry, these people remind me of the Kardashians.
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