Speaking of Hillary, I’m beginning to wonder if her advisors are steering her in the wrong direction on purpose. She just seems so out of touch. Why does she keep going on and on about amnesty for illegals? Americans are not with that. People are concerned about jobs, the economy, terrorism and government intrusion. And yet she still keeps singing that same one-note song.
Perhaps her handlers are hoping that blanket amnesty for illegals will become law before the next election. Then maybe they hope they can herd the “new citizens” like cattle to the polls and order them to vote for her.
But even if that were the case, their numbers would not cancel out the millions of legal voters, both Republican and Democrat, who can’t stand the sight of her and wishes she would go away.
Keep selling it anyway.
Hillary 2016 - Now Auditioning Interns
SNLs open mocks Hillarys endless campaign of annoying Americans!
Posted by soopermexican on May 17, 2015 at 12:21 AM in Politics | 12 Comments
By soopermexican
Saturday Night Live once again aimed their mockery lasers on Hillary Clinton, this time showing her annoying Americans just trying to enjoy their summer.
Watch below: