I didn’t think he was James Brown (may he rest in peace), but I did think James Taylor was black. James Taylor appears to be a self loathing white liberal who blames his own race for all the evil in the world. These same folks are thrilled by the idea of destroying all vestiges of the perceived white Anglo-Saxon “oppressor” class.
I think it’s also true that there’s no shortage of people these days who think they aren’t properly represented unless the representative is the right sex and/or skin color.
What many black people do not understand is that there are "racial" tensions between whites. James Taylor is typical of the snobbish type of Anglo-Saxon New Englander, who despises and looks down upon the Celtic ScotsIrish white southerners, and constantly tries to feel superior by calling southerners racists, even though the northerners were the ones that hung "No Irish Need Apply" signs in store windows advertising jobs. The English and Dutch early settlers in New England and New York warring upon the Irish immigrants of the 1800s is the theme of the movie "Gangs of New York", based on real events.
With some exceptions, the oppressor class of slave-holding whites before the Civil War were largely English Anglo-Saxons, especially in Virginia; whereas the southern poor whites and hardscrabble farmers were Scots-Irish Celts. Facts on the ground these days are that southerners often get along socially with blacks far more readily than northerners.