The largely white, progressive left thinks they can get more and complete power if they pander to minorities, illegals and Muslims - and they likely will succeed in this.
Yet, they have in the back of their minds these groups will just go away - assimilate, disappear, melt or acquiesce and they can have power and continue to rule. When things get bad and they have consolidated control they'll just stop the gibsmedats and pandering and nothing will go wrong because THEY are in charge. Obama is in charge - that's working out just ducky, ain't it?
This ALWAYS fails. You see it in a dozen or more South American countries, you have seen it in the USSR, Europe and a number of places in the past. It always fails.
When established law becomes obsolete and the whimsy of rule becomes operative (see Zimbabwe), it always is impossible to please all of the people all of the time.
Resources to meet needs require work, work needs people, and the people you have on your side don't want to work. Otherwise you end up with a Dystopian future with masses fighting over rapidly dwindling resources that can't be replenished.
Oppositely, rule-of-law (and its strict adherence), freedom from the whims of mob rule and a foundation of ethics and morals works. It's that simple.
Truly. Leftists are nutjobs.