She nailed it. It’s a black FAMILY problem that only black families can fix.
We can’t fix or change what happened years ago. All we can do is fix today and the future. This lady has a plan. Listen.
Federal benefits and welfare muvvers & fadders is not limited to black people . There are intergenerational white recipients who have lived on the dole in South Boston Mass- a known fact & also referred to “Southies”..
I understand what the lady is saying & it’s from heart but you can’t fight “city hall” when the check comes in at the first of the month.
There’s no banks in Balto Md that would underwrite community housing development or just plain demolish all the empty housing units and re-organize the entire ctiy. It’s been a slum down there for almost 60 yrs as I have that fact on good authority. Baltimore City has de-volved into east coast Detroit and that’s the bottom line on that one and don’t hold your breath for the next Prez to re-invigorate failed american cities.
The Feds use these cities and call them “sanctuary cities” in the hopes the next population influx of illegal immigrants will increase the welfare & food stamp roles, Section 8 housing ,etc... sad to say it’s going to be a long HOT SUMMER>
I have never seen blue lipstick in my entire life.