To: SeekAndFind
We do not need to put the dictionary into the constitution, we need to impeach judges who exceed their authority. Congress simply needs to pass the resolution as to what marriage is, what the federal government will recognize, and override Obama’s limp wristed veto, then impeach any judge who decides to ignore what the legislative branch put into force.
24 posted on
04/25/2015 12:07:18 PM PDT by
(Everything starts with slashing the size and scope of the federal government.)
To: kingu
For all practical purposes, the 17A made the judiciary exempt from impeachment.
That mindset now applies not only to the Prez, but to his ministers.
The threat of impeachment as a check on the judiciary/executive is no more.
Thank the 17A.
59 posted on
04/25/2015 1:36:04 PM PDT by
(To shun Article V is to embrace tyranny.) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson