Have you read the progression of Walker's comments? He's the only one who is speaking for the US worker.
I don't trust any of them totally. But if Walker keeps getting that message out there, more people might rally around the issue being opportunities for the US workder.
Shouldn't we be nudging him in this direction?
Oh, absolutely—right now the best hope we seem to have is either Cruz, despite his saying he’d legalize and Walker despite his saying he’d legalize, give citizenship, and have virtual open borders by way of making it so easy to enter legally.
Now, Walker seems to be trying to at least give the impression of trying to walk some of that back, by making a couple of vague references to the American worker (Palin, btw, was the first I saw to really take that anti-illegal position). Cruz also still wants to expand legal immigration, whereas Walker is at least starting to sound like he’d taper it for a bit.
I want to see the whole race turned into a race toward stronger illegal immigation positions. That doesn’t mean that they’d actually stick to it, given how much of a priority amnesty is for their biggest donors, but it’s the best we have for now.
I say give ‘em all positive reinforcement when they speak that way—but don’t fall for empty not-even promises.