There is a seawater desalination plant under construction in southern California. So that will help some when it comes on line.
However, enviro extremists are against desalination. Reasons they give are that these plants are powered by fossil fuels, and that the plants produce waste, mainly sea salt and other minerals in sea water, which needs to be handled somehow. For these reasons, I expect battles over building any more desalination plants in California.
She’s right to a great extent.
AMEN and Amen
California has become a psychic cesspool
What can you say other than ‘she’s right’!
Wow! She is not all that Conservative. Something in their polling must be telling them its most effective to take the Scott Walker/Ted Cruz approach and attack the Libs head-on between the eyes.
About damned time!
1977 warning about california groundwater by the GAO:
effects of cont:nued groundwater extraction
without adequate replenahment, delays In
completing water projects, and concerns for
protecting and preserving water resources, It
is qut!stionabie whether the water develop
ments and proposals coveted In the State
water plan WIII meet projected water demands.
GAO therefore recommends that the
Federal and State Governments reexamine
how to best meet future water demands
And she is absolutely correct
I would love to hear someone blame the liberals for globall warming. That would be perfect.
Basic facts of life are about to nail California. There can be no life without water.
I wonder how long it would take to build 20 4th generation nuclear powered desalinization plants - if they really wanted to.
Or a canal diverting water from the Colombia River through Oregon into California.
Or to free up water use laws of the Sacramento Delta.
I really like Fiorina’s speaking skills. She is a shark cruising for her next meal. Is she really pro- choice? I hope she gets in just to dog Hillary!
She’s got guts, I’ll give her that.