Jawless Jeb the Flesh Head also disappointed.
I think Dennis Michael Lynch is going to shake things up over the illegals.
April 6, 2015
I am happy to announce Ill be one of the speakers at the biggest event of the year for 2016 hopefuls. At the event I will announce my 4-point plan to get America back on track. I ask you to please watch this video and leave me comments. What do you like and dislike what parts should we keep for our commercials and campaign materials? Please feel free to comment here or on Facebook. Thank you!
Obamas Legacy: Immigration
April 4, 2015 9
For years, Ive been crying from the rooftops about Obamas fundamental transformation being all about immigration. Unfortunately, few people listened. Instead, they chased Obamacare. Over the next 18 months, the fundamental transformation will be complete.
This week, the US signed an agreement to help teach immigrants, both legal and illegal, how to unionize when they arrive to America. And then there are the new refugees and paroles coming in from Central America. All of this is old news to me; I learned about it all while researching They Come to America 3.
To think Jeb Bush is leading in the GOP polls. To him, this is all one big ACT OF LOVE.
The opening few seconds of They Come to America 3: The Cost of Obamas Legacy says it all. The film will be available at the end of April. It will make you cry.