Hey Timmah:
Put your $$ where your mouth is. Shut down your Apple stores in IN (& any other state with such laws) and refuse to sell or support your products there.
I’m betting that none will repeal it. My bet is the country has not only had a belly full of years of all things liberal but is increasingly willing to resist, if not reverse, the nonsense.
Remember, we just wanted to be left alone - it was they who brought the war to us. Engage.
OK...so Timmy...say I’m a Nazi loving guy and want to place an ad with a swatzika on Google? Or even better... I’m a Christian and want a cross in my ad?
Theres something very dangerous happening in states across the country.
Yes it’s called gay rights.
If Cook, who is homosexual, has such strong feelings against Christians, he should not do business with them. Refuse to sell Apple products in those 20 states. It is obvious what he worships.
The LBGT??? can complain, cry discrimination all they want, but a person of religious conviction is forced to keep their mouths shut and take it on the chin.
I sure hope the laws are not repealed!
So the way thismcontinent has worked for 300 + years is dangerous. Our founding is dangerous. Our constitution is dangerous. Our christian citizens are dangerous.....and these are the same geniouses who know when science is settled
If you read it carefully, what the headline actually says is that religious freedom is dangerous. These attacks on these laws are proxies for attacking the 1st amendment.
Liberal starts with “L” so does “Liar”. Coincidence? I think not.
Question: Why does Tim Cook get to choose but Bob doesn't?
Stupidity beyond what can be described. Not allowing people to be harassed out of existence because they don’t feel comfortable participating in a same-sex ‘wedding’ ceremony is “dangerous”.
Liberalism is a mental disorder.
Hey Timmah; I fart in your general direction.
OOPS; no I don’t, your a rump ranger, I am keeping my belt up around my arm pits.
If you’re a Twitter user, be sure to help get #BoycottApple trending.
“I was never taught, nor do I believe, that religion should be used as an excuse to discriminate.”
But placing ads, etc. AGAINST another religion ARE DISCRIMINATORY.
So, you WERE taught to discriminate.
Liberals do not believe in being a conscientious objector.
If religious person can be force to support what he believes is evil in the eyes of God, then there is NO religious freedom. Apple’s argument is that their CEO’s personal whims take precedent over anyone’s religious beliefs.
The First Amendment was supposed to prevent this from being an issue, but corrupt courts (and the Civil Rights Act) rejected the First Amendment as meaning anything other than “You must oppose any public religious expression”.
Tim Cook, HomoFascist. Boycott Apple.
Dangerous like a rabid pit bull or dangerous like a baby that you think might grow up one day to be a mass murderer if they aren’t breast fed?