Where was the approbation back then? Where were the calls to boycott Microsoft products? Where were the people wanting to assail the ramparts with their pitchforks and scythes wanting to lynch Steve Balmer? Where were all the cries for people to get rid of their Micorsoft products off their computers?
Can you spell huge double-standard?
I thought not.
Apple is actually late to this party. . . having been neutral in most political activities, contrary to the rumors. Steve Jobs kept Apple out of politics and cultural skirmishes. Jobs was far wiser than Tim Cook.
That is seriously one of the dumbest things I’ve read yet.
If You are accusing FR of being hypocrites, I’ll suggest you just spit it out, because you Apple people are skating on some REAL THIN ice.
In many ways based on Cook's complete over-reaction today.
I'm guessing Tim Cook has no idea that the same law Indiana passed and signed is in place in 18 other dates. Further, Obama as a State Senator here in the People's Republic of Illinois VOTED YES on the exact same law here.
Then again, Bill Clinton signed the Federal version of the same law in 1993.
So here's the deal: If Tim Cook were actually serious, he's stop selling Apple products in the U.S. period.
Why? Because the 1993 Federal Religious Freedom Act prohibits "substantially burdening" individuals' exercise of religion unless it is for a "compelling Government interest" and in doing so is the least restrictive means possible.
If Tim Cook were serious in any way of fighting the law of the land, he'd stop selling Apple products in the U.S. To do anything less makes him a blow-hard windbag hypocrite.
As for me, my iPad 2 Mini just hit the junk pile and I'll be purchasing a Samsung Galaxy Note 4 tomorrow to go along with the Samsung Galaxy 5 I purchased back in October. Didn't like the iPhone vs. the Samsung Galaxy back then, and I'm really starting to hate looking at my iPad knowing I'm putting money into a company's products, when that company is working directly against my personal interests and religious convictions.
Tim Cook and Apple can kiss my ass.