Save The Earth Eat Burritos!!
I heart CO2 at less than 2%.
Patrick Moore? That’s going to leave a mark on Bill Nye.
The Erf is, like, Doooomed...
I believe in blue skies and changing climate. My climate changes 6 times daily. None of it is man made. There is no global warming. The Arctic is frozen solid. The whole thing is a consummate hoax to take your stuff and give it to poor people who don’t work like you do.
This concept is nothing new. I believe that, in my profile, I have a link to an article about CO2 that was written several years ago.
Plants need CO2, and, in turn, convert it to forms of carbon useable to other life. They need a certain concentration in order to be able to extract it from the air. Below that concentration, they can’t extract it, so they die.
For a while, it will seem like CO2 stays constant in the air since each time a plant dies and decays, its carbon is released back into the air as CO2. But, eventually, with the carbon sequestration schemes that global warming fanatics keep hatching up, the quantity of plant life will dwindle, and the overall biomass that the planet can support will shrink.
As things are going, life will end on earth not because of some disaster or because the sun runs out of fuel. Rather, life will go extinct long before then because the CO2 will have run out.
The quantity of CO2 in the air has steadily decreased throughout the existence of life on earth. I do not know if anyone knows exactly why that is.
Every time I see someone trying to raise a panic about CO2, I want to scream. We need it—it is absolutely necessary for life. Quit plotting to remove it from the air, you global warming fear mongers, you’re going to kill us!
What percentage of scientists agree with this logic? Did they publish that? I mean, this is science after all. When are they going to poll the “scientists”?
Follow the link and read the whole article, worth it. I agree with Green Peace!
This article is awesome. But I still want to pay the tax.
Because I am hot blooded, I got a fever of a hundred and 3.
Wonder about the ozone hole? err Off topic.
The warmists say CO2 levels are the highest in history; what gives?
the reason you should be a ‘man-caused’ climate change skeptic (big difference between ‘climate change skeptic’ and ‘man-caused climate change skeptic’ is because our atmosphere has only 0.04% CO2 in it, of that man is only responsible for 3.4% which means that man’s CO2 level in the atmosphere makes up only 0.00137% of the atmosphere
That is why you should be a ‘man caused climate change skeptic
Another reason is because CO2 rises LONG AFTER temperatures rise, therefore CO2 can not be causing climate change
the 0.00137% of the atmosphere that has CO2 in it as a direct result of man’s production of CO2 can’t possibly capture enough escaping heat AND back radiate it to change earth’s temperatures one iota- only a small fraction of any heat escaping earth that gets trapped by man’s 0.00137% CO2 actually gets back radiated to earth The bulk of it gets radiated in the wrong directions
IF our atmosphere has only 0.04% CO2 in it, then that means 99.96% of the atmosphere has NONE- meaning heat has NO barrier when escaping earth- the overwhelming majority of heat escapes out into space where it is cooled
There are many great reasons to be a ‘MAN-CAUSED climate change skeptic” and LOGIC and COMMON SENSE are two great reasons to be a skeptic because a careful look at the actual data shows that man can not possibly be causing climate change, nor can nature for that matter- there simply is NOT enough CO2 to capture nearly enough heat and back radiate it (while maitainign the actual heat I might add- over thousands of miles of travel) and release that heat and have that heat overwhelm the cooler temperatures to the point hwere it actually causes temperatures to artificially rise
Like I said, the vast majority of heat simply escapes earth and never returns, only a VERY TINY fraction of the heat actually gets trapped and back radiated- not nearly enough to do ANYTHING to our earth’s temperatures!
Allowing Marxists (Climate control freaks are all Marxists) to control the means of production without any thought to the ramifications too their actions. Because once control is complete the political opposition no longer exists - Euro Social Democracies = Marxism Lite. Once there is no opposition, there is no more need for Great Masses, since the ability to provide has ceased to produce excess; cutting back on populations by genocide, war, or controlling the allowing ceiling on who lives....
Occasionally a liberal will go on a climate change rant in my presence. I will usually listen respectfully for about a minute. At that point I will interrupt and say, “When I see Barack Obama, Al Gore, and the Clintons make substantial changes in their lifestyles to dramatically reduce their carbon footprints, and sustain their low carbon lifestyles at least a year, I will begin to give serious consideration to your point of view.”
Women, children and minorities to be hardest hit.