Posted on 03/19/2015 9:53:25 PM PDT by Jim Robinson
RAMALLAH, March 20 (Bernama) -- The Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) urged the international community to economically and politically isolate the Israeli government led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
The appeal was made Thursday by the PLO executive committee which convened in the West Bank city of Ramallah and chaired by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, Xinhua news agency reported.
"The rightwing's success in the Israeli elections should urge all regional and global powers to be more firm towards the Israeli manner which aims to destroy chances of achieving peace," the PLO said in a statement.
The committee accused Netanyahu of leading Israel towards continuing the occupation and depriving people of their right of self-determination on their soil.
"The first practical step to be done is to besiege this manner and politically and economically isolate Israel's government on all levels and to expand the recognition of the Palestinian state," said the statement.
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I despise these SOBs :-(
I also despise all who give them aid and comfort.
Piss on ‘em!
Israel forever and ever...amen.
so much for Islamics ‘desiring peace’ with us infidels
It’s all “political hoo-ha” by the Palestinian Authority. They are good at STALLING the negotiations with Israel, and trying to pretend that it’s Israel doing the stalling of the negotiations. In reality it’s the Palestinian Authority who is stalling, because at negotiations, they would be forced to make binding commitments (which they don’t want to do) to get a Palestinian State formed. Instead, they want one formed WITHOUT any signed commitments on their part!
Translation: The PLO has had too much money stolen to various slush funds and we’re running low on money again. We’ve already gone through the money that Israel gave us a few months ago, and since we’ve embezzled it all, we don’t have enough money to pay our bills. Please help us extort more supplies and money out of Israel so we can get electricity and internet coverage to terrorists who will then use it to film their acts and broadcast them online.
If youd like to be on or off, please FR mail me.
EU? UN? USA? Phoo E. EMA is a better international community, the Eastern Minorities Alliance. We couldn’t possibly be isolated from them. We have a common enemy, two of them actually. Israel must strengthen ties with India and support an independent Greater Kurdistan, just for starters. Also make overtures towards Greece, Cyprus, Armenia, South Sudan, and on the QT approach Christian enclaves in Egypt, Syria and Lebanon, and offer support. As for the former group of ephemeral, rancid alphabet soup letters, they are all about oil and self interest. Our ties with the American people may be unbreakable, but I certainly hope that our ties with the Obama administration are. If they are not broken, it shouldn’t be for lack of trying.
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