Not me. But I gotta tell you something. I wish Cheney would just be quiet. Because he was part of that small group (Bush II, Cheney, and Rumsfeld) who completely mishandled the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Patriots all three are, but that won't change the end game.
The Afghanistan and Iraq wars will end just like the war in Vietnam ended, with helicopters evacuating folks from the US embassy roof. It will all be a waste of blood and treasure.
Bush II, Cheney, and Rumsfeld were the architects of all that. Obama is just the grossly incompetent clean-up man.
I will now retreat to my secret underground bunker, because I'm sure I'll be getting some incoming fire on this.
Agree 100%.
I agree with everything you said except the part about Obama being “the clean-up man”; because NOTHING Obama has done has in any way “cleaned up” the messes in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Every action he has taken, or failed to take, has done nothing but make matter worse.
Bush II, Cheney, and Rumsfeld were the architects of Afghanistan and Iraq, but Obama is the inept architect of Phase 2.
Well, Obama has had 6+ years to clean up and he hasn’t. He has made the situation worse. Oh, and tell us about Clintoons involvement as he was the prez for 8 years while the Iraq situation festered and led to 9/11.
It’s easy to arm chair quarterback campaigns like the Iraq war. Look at Lyndon Johnson and Vietnam. He never did have a clue. To his credit, Bush didn’t micromanage the war like Johnson did. He put in people to run it, and they didn’t administrate well.
I give Bush high marks for realizing there was a problem, changing men and tactics, and turning things around.
If we were talking about tens of thousands of men having died in Iraq, still in a quagmire, then yes I’d most likely join you in your criticism.
The body count in Iraq was not abusive. It was a tough campaign. Bush did git it right in the end.
Folks on this forum know that I am not a big fan of Bush. I criticize him freely here. On Iraq, I don’t.
That place was a viper’s den. It wasn’t easy at all to tell who our allies and enemies were. It took time to nail that down. It took time to devise a policy to end most of the roadside IED problems.
I think sometimes we bitch too easily. I do it myself, so I’m not telling you something I myself am guiltless of.