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Remembering Stan 3: The Anti-McCarthy Tripwire ^ | March 6, 2015 | Diana West

Posted on 03/08/2015 8:45:19 PM PDT by No One Special

Before I explain what it was like to become friends with the pre-eminent McCarthy scholar of our time, M. Stanton Evans, I'd like to point out some of the pitfalls of the territory, starting with the anti-McCarthy tripwire.

This relic of the Cold War, circa 1950s, is used to bring down anyone even thinking about stepping out of line to reconsider the place of Sen. McCarthy in our nation's history (hell). The anti-McCarthy tripwire is the first trigger. Tripped once, maybe twice, it activates the anti-McCarthy force field, which I will get to below.

"You know that you are going to be attacked," Stan said to me in the fall of 2012 on reading the manuscript of American Betrayal, which, building on the research in Blacklisted by History, takes as a given that McCarthy is the most demonized man in American history to whom the nation now owes plaudits and apologies galore -- and moves on from there. It is not an exaggeration to say that American Betrayal is first an homage to Blacklisted by History. Not surprisingly, I think it reads as a companion piece to the 2012 book Stan and the late Herbert Romerstein wrote as a follow-up to the McCarthy book -- Stalin's Secret Agents: The Subversion of Roosevelt's Government. For these reasons, this Amazon "Frequently Bought Together" box is very pleasing to the junior author.

"Attacked? So what!" I replied. Stan liked that. He sometimes even told people I'd said it. Neither of us quite imagined what was coming, even if "so what" still very much applies. (It was not a "tripwire" but a dirty bomb, but that's another story.)

Even when the anti-McCarthy tripwire doesn't actually cut the dissident fleeing the gulag of enforced "correctness" (provenance in Marxism-Leninism) to his knees, it has an effect. It almost invariably dampens his enthusiasm for next time. Is it really worth all that unpleasantness and hassle? Better to avoid the "McC" subject altogether -- as we will see in the environs of the anti-McCarthy force field -- than to become caught in the tongue-lashings of some anti-McCarthy enforcer

Such calculations, however, do not deter the unbowed Fraternity of `So What?', which I hope to get to another time. 

I was reminded this past week just how hair-trigger-sensitive the anti-McCarthy trip wire remains after the appearance of an appreciation of Stan and his monumental McCarthy biography at Pajamas Media by J. Christian Adams. What is notable in this instance is that Adams' nice, short piece includes only mild praise of McCarthy himself -- "In short, McCarthy was more right than wrong." Not exactly red flags and fightin' words, but especially not, a normal person would think, in this immediate aftermath of Stan's death following a long struggle with pancreatic cancer. Funeral arrangements for Stan had yet to be made, however, and there was ex-Communist historian a.k.a. "Serial McCarthy Critic" a.k.a. "the Learned Professor" Radosh, asserting in the comments section below the Adams piece: 

Stan Evans was a lovely man, outgoing, warm and sincere. The problem is that on Joe McCarthy, he was wrong, as is J. Christian Adams. I urge readers to consider the argument by Harvey Klehr, updated at

Such obituary-heckling is shocking but, as I can attest, this boorish breach of common decency actually counts as pretty good behavior for Radosh. Still, time will tell whether Adams decides to drive deeper into McCarthy territory. 

As an aside, I had recent occasion to demonstrate the outdatedness of the very "argument" that Radosh has set forth to prove Stan (and his 663-page book about McCarthy) "wrong." How did I do it? Using Stan's research! It wasn't hard at all. What Radosh has cited is a 2005 speech about McCarthy by Harvey Klehr -- re-purposed more than "updated" in December 2013 -- which, on the basic question of whether McCarthy identified Communists in the federal government, does not reflect Stan's voluminous findings as first published in Blacklisted by History (2007). Stan distilled some of these findings in a January 2014 article, including a table of 50 McCarthy cases, that ran at Breitbart News and Human Events. 

Very few among us will pick up on this point, though, because most people today function inside the anti-McCarthy force field -- perhaps often without knowing it. In this strangely placid world, such violent devices as anti-McCarthy tripwires are no longer necessary. McCarthy is no longer necessary; indeed, the thought of him is not verboten, just embarrassing, and something to suppress.

What is shocking (but no longer surprising) is that many of these same people inside the anti-McCarthy force field consider themselves "conservative." Some, it will be seen, even work and write for National Review, the once proto-typically "conservative" magazine where Stan served as an original editor, and whose founding editor, William F. Buckley Jr., not only stood athwart history and yelled "Stop!" but also stood as one of the original McCarthy loyalists. With L. Brent Bozell, Buckley co-wrote McCarthy and His Enemies (1954), one of the earliest defenses of McCarthy, which, by the way, Stan continued to recommend as a lasting contribution to the literature.

In 1999, Buckley would also write The Redhunter: A Novel Based on the Life of Senator Joe McCarthy, which, surprise, surprise, did not please Radosh or The Nation's Eric Alterman, who, I discovered, while reading about Stan this week, tossed the Buckley book back and forth in an online colloquy at Slate that amounted to no fewer than ten entries. These include a response by aggrieved author Buckley (so very politely titled "William F. Buckley Barks Back") from which we get the following, quite stunning entry in the annals of the McCarthy Wars: 

There is no point in Radosh, burdened by his mindset, reading [The Redhunter] because it would necessarily be uphill for him, as hard going as an impotent locked in all night with a whore.

It may be equally hard going to dislodge this rather unfortunate simile from the mind, particularly given Radosh's subsequent public discussion of the general topic in his memoirs. (See relevant passage in review preceding: "about as much fun as watching a Labor Day parade.")

Buckley goes on to dispense a point of clarity which, although written in 1999, has nonetheless borne directly on the many battles over McCarthy that have followed. More recently, such battles rage also around the topic of general Soviet subversion of the US government, as laid out in Stan's follow-up work with Herb Romerstein, Stalin's Secret Agents (2012)The Morgenthau Plan: Soviet Influence on American Foreign Policy (2013) by John Dietrich, and, as nearly endlessly attacked in my own work, American Betrayal (2013).

Buckley continued:

But an examination of the McCarthy scene tells us things Radosh desperately wants not to think about. McCarthy's suggestion that Communists were influential in writing U.S. foreign policy was--what? All those things.

A decade and half later, it is not just Radosh who desperately wants not to think that "Communists were influential" -- and, as illustrated in the above-mentioned books, that secret Soviet agents inside the US government were influential, too --  in writing US foreign policy, including war strategy, before, during and after World War II. An aversion to studying Soviet/Communist "influence" -- as opposed to "spying," meaning the theft of secrets --  blinds the academic community as it sets the course of study on World War II and the Cold War certainly, but also the "American Century" more broadly, and/or writes the standard texts and histories. These gaping omissions are a topic of extended scrutiny in American Betrayal, drawing much wrath.    

But I have gotten ahead of the story.

I can think of no better illustration of the anti-McCarthy force field in action than in the uniformly McCarthy-less contents of multiple appreciations of Stanton Evans that have appeared in recent days. I've read four or five such glowing but deficient tributes at National Review Online alone. None of them includes even the title of Stan's magnus opus, Blacklisted by History, let alone a word about its significance, its relevance to the McCarthy tragedy, its application to our own times -- or its stunning revelation that much our consensus-history, or "court history," as Stan liked to call it, is based on lies. Deception. Cover-up. Former NR editor John O'Sullivan's piece is typical for never mentioning McCarthy, either. (O'Sullivan: Stan "wrote important historical works.")

Inside the anti-McCarthy force field, the great McCarthy scholar is eulogized -- sanitized -- sans McCarthy. 

John Fund does break ranks and "name name," writing: "His biography of Joseph McCarthy made clear that, despite his many excesses, the senator had identified serious national-security weaknesses."

Regarding those "many" "excesses": I can just about hear Stan say: "Name. One." I would further underscore Fund's designation of ideological Communists and Soviet agents covertly embedded in the federal government as "serious national-security weaknesses." Weaknesses? 

The most concise way to describe the inspirational legacy of Blacklisted by History is to say that it overturns more than half a century's worth of lies about Joseph McCarthy with the counterweight of documented evidence, much of which comes from formerly secret FBI documents that were not available to researchers until recent decades. This is a signal achievement, and Stan did it by himself. He devoted six solid years to researching and writing the 2007 book, although, as he told me in an interview I conducted with him in December 2012, he had planned to write a McCarthy biography ever since the McCarthy years in the 1950s. 

Even to describe Blacklisted by History and its significance, however, is to blast the anti-McCarthy force field to smithereens -- or at least to weaken it severely with a hard blast of doubt. What? There's another side to McCarthy? A widely and warmly eulogized conservative lion set out to prove that the conventional image of McCarthy as a liar and demagogue is ... untrue? In an engagingly written, can't put it down book that costs less than $10?  

The anti-McCarthy force field held -- and not just at National Review. This same pattern of omission -- again, omitting what is arguably if not demonstrably the crowning achievement of Stan's life -- repeats in obituary notices about Stan at many of the larger conservative sites and media outlets, from Powerline to The Washington Free Beacon to Fox News to the Weekly Standard to the Wall Street Journal to the Heritage Foundation. 

The McCarthy scholar is dead. Don't mention McCarthy.

Thankfully, there are many other outlets that do not overlook Stan's defining work on McCarthy, which led to additional trailblazing work in Stalin's Secret Agents. These include the newspaper obituaries, from the New York Times to the Washington Times, and The Blaze. At Breitbart News, Alfred S. Regnery calls Blacklisted by HIstory, with Stalin's Secret Agents, "the culmination of [Evans'] life-long work." Human Events, are among the sites that carry a remembrance by Lee Edwards calling Blacklisted by History "a 663-page masterpiece of research and analysis."  The New American declares the book the "capstone of Evans life." Ann Coulter penned a fabulous column about Stan, declaring his defense of McCarthy to be his "most lasting legacy."

As a bonus, Ann also underscores Stan's coverage of suicidal "amnesty" policies that deeply troubled him in his last years. Speaking of Stan's more recent work, it's worth noting that he produced a splendid new piece last year correcting more lies about McCarthy, titled, appropriately enough, "More Lies about McCarthy." They just don't stop. Emanations of the anti-McCarthy force field, they circulate to keep it going. 

So powerful is that force field that I also find there are a couple of outlets widely known as conservative that have so far not noted Evans' passing at all. To date, I have not been able to find anything about it, even an announcement, at American Thinker or at Followers of the controversy over American Betrayal may begin to notice a pattern taking shape.

There is something at least Orwellian about the spectacle: the process by which Stan's life on earth has been buffed by many on the Right to smooth away those "rough McCarthy edges." I read and watch as his recent, highly productive years of truly ground-breaking research, whether on McCarthy, or, continuing right up until illness interrupted him, domestic Communist subversion, are replaced by a more "acceptable" emphasis on "good" conservative works of the distant past. Readers of these de-McCarthy'd appreciations will come to know Stan as the ever-witty toastmaster who, by these accounts, appears to have spent more time waiting to speak at banquets than sitting behind a typewriter (Stan did not "do" computers). They will think of him as someone whose star rose quite early with the 1960 "Sharon Statement," charter of Young Americans for Freedom; whose work was practically over with the second term of Ronald Reagan. If they are reading National Review, they are now familiar with the first article he ever published at the magazine 58 years ago, posted to "honor" him today. How about honoring him instead with an in-depth review of his latest book, Stalin's Secret Agents? How about a long-awaited second opinion on Blacklisted by History to add balance to the egregious hit piece National Review published back in 2008? That hit piece, as some will recall, was written by Radosh. Stan Evans' rebuttal, a model for the applied use of facts with scalpel, is here.

The impact such efforts at honoring the man have, although unintended surely, is to paint him as a creature of the distant past. I only got to know Stan about 50 years after he wrote the 1960 Sharon Statement -- widely reprinted since Stan's death, maybe even sometimes as a means to avoid further comment. I can say that it never once came up in the many in-depth conversations I am lucky to have been able to have with him. Joe McCarthy did. Communist infiltration and subversion did. Continuing research to expose the long covered-up lies of our "court history" did -- in spades.    

Stan Evans led a long life of accomplishment for which he is rightly admired and respected. It is true that he was an excellent journalist and mentor of journalists, a key player in the rise of modern conservatism, author of many books, and a steadfast and important Cold Warrior against the Soviet Union. But it is true also that the man was about much more than "history."

M. Stanton Evans was about correcting it.

TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Extended News; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: communistgoals; fifthcolumnists; mccarthy; subversion
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1 posted on 03/08/2015 8:45:19 PM PDT by No One Special
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To: No One Special

Thank you for posting.

2 posted on 03/08/2015 9:20:23 PM PDT by marron
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To: No One Special

this book is going on my to read list. thanks.

3 posted on 03/08/2015 9:24:49 PM PDT by dadfly
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To: No One Special

Edward R. Murrow brought Herbert Marcuse to this country to corrupt 3 generations of college classrooms. As right as Tailgunner Joe was, even down to the numbers, it was at best a rearguard action. We haven’t even begun to evaluate Murrow’ s pernicious influence. You can’t find anything about this on the internet.

4 posted on 03/08/2015 10:00:23 PM PDT by CharlesOConnell (CharlesOConnell)
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To: No One Special

Whittaker Chambers and Elizabeth Bentley did the USA a real service by exposing Communist cells. Chambers as early as 1939 and Bentley in 1945. Igor Gouzenko did something similar for Canada in 1945.

None of them testified for political advantage or made charges that they couldn’t back up.

The House HUAC committee held open hearings in 1948 where Chambers and Bentley testified. McCarthy was not part of this.

McCarthy began working the theme of Communist infiltration of the US Government in 1950. He was late to the party and didn’t have any original information. He was reckless and made claims that he couldn’t back up.

Had he been genuinely concerned he would have been worried about damaging the very real effort to rid Communists from positions of power. But McCarthy appears to have been more concerned about the political benefit to be gained from riding a hot public issue than any damage he was doing himself.

5 posted on 03/08/2015 10:19:36 PM PDT by Pelham (The refusal to deport is defacto amnesty)
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To: Pelham
He was reckless and made claims that he couldn’t back up.

such as . . .

6 posted on 03/08/2015 10:36:25 PM PDT by Jeff Chandler (Doctrine doesn't change. The trick is to find a way around it.)
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To: No One Special

Excellent book is black listed by history.

7 posted on 03/08/2015 10:41:23 PM PDT by StoneWall Brigade (Daniel 2 Daniel 7 Daniel 9 Revelation 13 Revelation 16 Revelation 17 Revelation 18 Revelation 19)
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To: Jeff Chandler

McCarthy gave a speech to the Republican Women’s Club of Wheeling West Virginia, February 9, 1950.

In the speech he makes this claim:

” And, ladies and gentlemen, while I cannot take the time to name all the men in the State Department who have been named as active members of the Communist Party and members of a spy ring. I have here in my hand a list of 205—a list of names that were made known to the Secretary of State as being members of the Communist Party and who nevertheless are still working and shaping policy in that State Department.”

He never produced any such list at any time. In subsequent references he made claims of 81, 57, and 10 names. He never produced any names.

This is the speech that put him on the map as an anti-Communist warrior. This is the claim that established him. But he never backed up his claim and never retracted it. He had no evidence and hurt the real effort to root out Communist spies.

8 posted on 03/08/2015 11:04:37 PM PDT by Pelham (The refusal to deport is defacto amnesty)
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To: Pelham

“No criminal case had a more far-reaching effects on modern American politics than the Alger Hiss-Whittaker Chambers spy case which held Americans spellbound in the middle of the twentieth-century. The case catapulted an obscure California congressman named Richard Nixon to national fame, set the stage for Senator Joseph McCarthy’s notorious Communist-hunting, and marked the beginning of a conservative intellectual and political movement that would one day put Ronald Reagan in the White House.”


It took the Communists and their compliant press a while but they got their revenge by driving Nixon, the original commie hunter, out of the White House.

9 posted on 03/08/2015 11:05:27 PM PDT by shove_it (The bigger the government, the smaller the citizen -- Dennis Prager)
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To: Pelham

Oh, and you might want to actually read Blacklisted by History. You know, the book and author that this article is about. It's a good read, fully documented. Here's a pertinent excerpt.

10 posted on 03/08/2015 11:17:52 PM PDT by Jeff Chandler (Doctrine doesn't change. The trick is to find a way around it.)
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To: Pelham
Moreover, contrary to the nonsense about McCarthy not being able to name the 57 specific individuals, the very day he got back to Washington, he gave a six-hour speech on the Senate floor, providing details about each one of the 57 problematic State Department employees, chapter and verse. He did not "name names" because that was not his point.

As McCarthy said, some State Department employees with communist associations might be innocent. His point was: The Democrats were still refusing to take Soviet espionage seriously by investigating these preposterous risks on the government payroll.

11 posted on 03/08/2015 11:21:59 PM PDT by Jeff Chandler (Doctrine doesn't change. The trick is to find a way around it.)
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To: shove_it

“It took the Communists and their compliant press a while but they got their revenge by driving Nixon, the original commie hunter, out of the White House.”

Nixon was a member of HUAC and he was dogged in pursuing Alger Hiss. An FBI informant had tipped Nixon off that there was definite evidence against Hiss and Nixon ran with it.

But I don’t know that that’s the root of why his enemies drove him from the White House... for one thing it was Republican Senators who told him that he needed to go. Your enemies will always hound you but in Watergate his own side wouldn’t defend him. I can’t imagine today’s Democrats doing anything like that but the 1974 Republicans sure did. Nixon himself said he gave his enemies the club that they beat him with.

12 posted on 03/08/2015 11:28:39 PM PDT by Pelham (The refusal to deport is defacto amnesty)
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To: No One Special

I’ve been meaning to get hold of a copy of Blacklisted By History for a couple of years now.

13 posted on 03/08/2015 11:41:08 PM PDT by Yardstick
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To: Jeff Chandler

Naming names “wasn’t his point”.

Funny how much that sounds like the promoters of Anthropogenic Global Warming who never produce their data when they are pressed to back up their claims. But then maybe “it’s not their point” and we should just accept their lack of evidence.

McCarthy said he had 205 names. By the time he flew back from Wheeling the number had changed to 57. What happened to other 148?

Chambers did real work exposing Communists. Bentley did real work. They both named names. HUAC gave them a forum.

Actually McCarthy did name names. Dwight Eisenhower and George Marshall among them, two of the most important Generals from WWII. IIRC he impugned them as traitors and dupes. If that doesn’t illustrate the irresponsible and crackpot nature of Joe McCarthy nothing will.

14 posted on 03/08/2015 11:49:25 PM PDT by Pelham (The refusal to deport is defacto amnesty)
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To: Pelham
I can’t imagine today’s Democrats doing anything like that but the 1974 Republicans sure did. Nixon himself said he gave his enemies the club that they beat him with.

Exactly. The curiosity of the media back in those days was conspicuously more intent in sniffing out a "coverup" and exposing it than what we see today time and time again. Republican politicians seem to get more media scrutiny and are far more prone to cave to notoriety of a scandal than Democrats who have had the media covering for them since FDR. GOP politicians are only slightly less dishonorable than Rats. What is alarming is the extent to which the commies have infiltrated the party of Democrats.

15 posted on 03/09/2015 12:06:17 AM PDT by shove_it (The bigger the government, the smaller the citizen -- Dennis Prager)
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To: Jeff Chandler

Apparently ‘Republicans who can’t read’ may include you. I linked to the entire text of McCarthy’s Wheeling speech, but since you didn’t bother with it I’ll link to it again; line 28 is “the pertinent excerpt”:

I guess if Joe had produced the names at any point in his subsequent years, just to prove that he once had them, it would be possible for his acolytes to prove that he wasn’t making the claim up out of whole cloth. But alas, Joe never did produce any list of names did he, no matter how hot the controversy got. I wonder why.

16 posted on 03/09/2015 12:10:55 AM PDT by Pelham (The refusal to deport is defacto amnesty)
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To: shove_it

The funny thing is that Nixon probably had absolutely no knowledge of the Watergate burglaries and was done in by his own personality. The cover up was his undoing, and he appears to have blundered into it.

The best book I’ve read on Nixon and the whole Watergate affair is “Silent Coup” by Colodny and Gettlin. A couple of liberal academics who wanted to write a “harmony of gospels” using every available Watergate account.

By the time they finished they concluded that Watergate was orchestrated by John Dean on his own for his own purpose. When the breakin became known Nixon thought his friend John Mitchell was behind it but never asked. Mitchell thought Nixon had ordered it but never asked. They each covered for the other, so they thought. Dean was assigned by Nixon to investigate it but of course he already knew and was not about to reveal his own role.

As the investigators got closer Dean ran to them and said “I can give you the President” which is what he did and this led to Nixon’s resignation.

G Gordon Liddy read this book and became convinced that the authors had unraveled the mystery of Watergate, and that while he thought his silence was protecting Nixon he had unwittingly protected John Dean.

The authors had no reason to want to defend Nixon. They were simply going where the evidence took them. It’s an amazing book.

17 posted on 03/09/2015 12:29:05 AM PDT by Pelham (The refusal to deport is defacto amnesty)
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To: Pelham

Nixon’s “missing tape” scandal in comparison to the IRS’s “missing emails” and Hillary’s “private emails” would be laughable if it weren’t so outrageous.

18 posted on 03/09/2015 12:43:09 AM PDT by shove_it (The bigger the government, the smaller the citizen -- Dennis Prager)
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To: No One Special
I didn't realize that Stan Evans had passed away. I interned with him at the National Journalism Center in 1979, and I last met with him at the annual Pumpkin Papers Irregulars' annual Halloween dinner in 2013. He was a prime mover in the rise of the conservative movement from the 1960's onward.
19 posted on 03/09/2015 5:53:49 AM PDT by Fiji Hill
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To: Pelham
McCarthy gave a speech to the Republican Women’s Club of Wheeling West Virginia, February 9, 1950.

Not long ago, I made a pilgrimage to the McClure Hotel in Wheeling, where this took place. The hotel is still there, but the building where McCarthy spoke has been replaced by a modern structure.

20 posted on 03/09/2015 5:58:26 AM PDT by Fiji Hill
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