Posted on 02/28/2015 8:24:49 PM PST by WhiskeyX
Russia has become a danger to Britain and the country must be prepared to take steps to defend itself and its allies, the former head of MI6 says.
Sir John Sawers, who recently retired after five years as chief of the Secret Intelligence Service, told BBC Radio 4's Today programme that Russia poses a "state to state threat".
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Russia, is a state threat, to England. Maybe the British better invade Crimea again.
Britain is a state to state threat since it provides too many jihadis to behead Christians.
Western operatives assassinating Russian politicians to create chaos in Russia makes Russia more dangerous.
“Russia has become a danger to Britain and the country must be prepared to take steps to defend itself and its allies...”
Russia? How many Russians are beheading British soldiers in the streets? How many Russians are raping little kids in the UK? Come on. Doesn’t matter who kills you at that point.
Russia is a threat to the world, do you think that history ended under Reagan?
Russia is a threat because it has nuclear forces that can destroy the West. The West also has nuclear forces that can destroy Russia. Thus the use of nuclear weapons is rationally precluded by the Russia and the West.
Russia has conventional forces they can project into what was once the now defunct and gone Warsaw Pact States, i.e. Eastern Europe, the Baltic States, the Ukraine and the southern Stan nations. In conventional conflict in these areas NATO would be at a disadvantage.
Russia does not have the economic might to mount all out conventional warfare. The West has the economy to crush them in conventional warfare.
The solution is quite simple.
1. Modernize our nuclear forces to the point that nuclear warfare would be absolute certain destruction of Russia as it would be the West. If this is the case we will never need to use it. Putin is a dictatorial aggressive expansionist. Putin is not crazy, he will not pull the nuclear trigger.
2. Expand our conventional forces to the point that his expansion into the former Soviet vasel states would be meet with total defeat due to our economic might to build more tanks, aircraft, guns, and men on the ground with the will to use them.
3. Once in the position of military superiority again, use diplomatic means to bring about political change in Russia. This may not work, so we must keep our forces strong.
4. Give those under threat of Russia the means to defend themselves with anything they need short of nuclear weapons.
5. Assert and reassert and swear on our sacred honor that our commitment to any NATO country is backed by our troops with rifles, our troops with tanks, our airmen that will deliver death from above on the field of battle, our airmen that will unleash nuclear havoc from the high, cold, and black night air of the stratosphere, men in bunkers in North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming that will push confirmation codes into the launch sequence and then launch, and least all this fail the last and ultimate defense is death from the sea. One Boomer “nuclear attack sub” can reduce any nation to a non functional status by death of millions, and destruction of most major infrastructure needed to continue as a functioning society. We have a lot of Boomers.
Free nations do not go to war in times of strength. Free Nations are forced into war in times of their weakness.
6. Any nation that is not willing to share the economic burden of defending themselves relative to the same percentage of the GDP of the United States, should be encouraged to start learning Russian and or Arabic. Our last official diplomatic message should be, “Well Bye.”
the only problem with your solutions 1-6 is that Bath House is the CIC.
Followed closely by the possibility of the Hildebeast being the next president, resulting in further erosion of the military. A thrill a minute. Huh?
Yeah, that would be pretty amazing.
Remember when Britain was Great?
Now it can’t even defend its air space.
-——Russia has conventional forces they can project into what was once the now defunct and gone Warsaw Pact States, i.e. Eastern Europe——
I don’t believe that is true and even if so, lack the ability to sustain the projection
Neil Burnside out of retirement?
On Sept 11th, neither could you.
Johnnie Lindh and that Padilla bloke British?.
Yes, we are producing too many, but you may want to take a look at that pigsty of your own first before you tell others to clean out theirs.
Hagman, that you?
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