Posted on 02/22/2015 12:28:04 PM PST by WhiskeyX
President of Russia Vladimir Putin arrogantly scoffed at the defeat of the Ukrainian military in Debaltseve, gloating at their shame of losing the battle to yesterdays coal miners and tractor drivers. In reality, Ukraine is fighting against Russian military that is hiding behind the fraying veil of local separatists. Much like Russias little green men in Crimea, Ukraine is crawling with regular Russian troops and armaments. Russia is using its most sophisticated weaponry in eastern Ukraine, including the truck-mounted SA-22 surface-to-air missile system (Pantsir-S1). Ukraine does not possess these types of weapon systems, which immediately dispels ludicrous claims of separatists about capturing weaponry from the Ukrainian armed forces.
Barabanov reports that Russian soldiers without insignia are now fighting in Debaltseve and other Ukrainian towns in Donbass. They are here on a perpetual mission to protect their homeland by fighting against another sovereign country. Russian military engages in combat on behalf of the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Lugansk Peoples Republics. Soldiers are led to believe they are protecting freedom-loving Donbass from the Western aggression and Ukrainian beasts. To hide the presence of Russian troops from journalists, their access into town was cut off. After the final assault, members of the military concealed their presence, local coal miners were placed as guards for the roadblocks and journalists were again allowed to enter the area.
It is, however, surprising to see that even Russian publications no longer attempt to keep this information a secret. This might be an indication that Russias aggression against Ukraine will become even more brazen in the coming days.
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It has been obvious from the start. Russia was denying it because they needed to give time for their massive propaganda to work its magic and turn up the heat slowly. 10 months ago Russian people would have heavily objected to invading “their Slavic brother” Ukraine. 10 months of propaganda later they will cheer on killing Ukrainians.
Yet they seem unwilling to engage Russia directly.
Antique equipment. Many other reasons as well. Russia being armed with nuclear weapons may have something to do with it as well. I don’t think anyone wants to see Ukr. attack Russia proper.
Bingo. Also, while Russian hardware is no match for American hardware, it is modern and effective. Way outclasses Ukranian hardware.
The only real question is did Ukraine keep a nuke or two after the fall of the Soviet Union? They claimed to have turned them all over, but some doubt that. If Ukraine is pushed to the edge of extinction, we may find out.
And then millions will die.
I’ve wondered that as well. Obviously, I have no idea if Ukr. kept a nuke or 3. Just hope we never find out! But if they dropped one on Rostov on Don, things would become complicated, to say the least.
First Russia invades Crimea.. now Ukraine. Oh, is Obama golfing? Oh, is this the flexibility Obama needed... After my election I have more flexibility.
President Obama was caught on a hot mic telling Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on Monday that if given space, hell have more flexibility after my election for negotiations on issues like missile defense. On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved, but its important for him to give me space, Obama told the Russian leader.
Yeah, I understand. I understand your message about space, President Medvedev replied. Space for you
This is my last election, Obama observed. After my election I have more flexibility.
I understand, responded Medvedev. I will transmit this information to Vladimir.
The evil empire is back and finding about as much resistance as Islamic terrorists
Their military has been looted and rusted for over a decade of puppet government
An interesting post yesterday was the massive numbers of Ukranians who have left the country, legally and illegally emigrating elsewhere. I wonder how many of them were avoiding the draft. About a month ago there was a post about Hungarian and other ethnic groups in Ukraine refusing to be drafted.
And what's happened to the hundreds of millions of dollars the US, the EU, and Canada have given to the Kiev government? Is this really the government the EU wants as a buffer between Turkey and eastern Europe?
Russia would love to have Ukraine attack them—then they could “defend themselves” and roll into Keiv. Now that Putin has his land bridge and his railroad hub—maybe he will back off some — we can but hope. It will take him time to digest this meal. Ukrain should get the best deal out of this “Piece Treaty” as they can. Maybe some free Gas? More stuff?
The Kremlin today is led by a former KGB colonel, a Chekist to his core, who hates the West and seeks to avenge his countrys 1991 humiliation through aggression and conquest. His advisers are men like himself, mired in KGB-derived conspiracy-thinking and driven by revenge and hate; that Putin and his inner circle may think they have divine sanction for their actions does not bode well for world peace.
The 'lease' included x number of troops stationed in south east Ukrainian and the Crimea?
I believe that they are supplying Crimea via a 'land bridge' by mutual agreement.
No. None of the bullsh*t you write about Ukraine and Russia has ever been true and neither is this.
The Treaty of Friendship and Co-operation by which Russia rents its naval base at Sevastopol from the Ukrainian government is so far-reaching in the rights it gives the Russians to exercise their military powers that it is seen by many in Ukraine to undermine the country's independence.
In 2008 the Ukrainians said they would not renew the lease when it expired in 2017. But they buckled under the pressure of a gas-price hike and, in 2010, extended the Russian navy's lease until 2042.
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