We got 6 years of your warped world view.. Enough already.
Maximum Dufus Alert
Barrack needs to ask the Palestinians what they think of Israel and Judiasm.
The Palestinians STILL insists that Israel be DESTROYED!!!
No word of that at the Extremism Conference.
No word of that from O’s insistence that Islam is peace.
Obama must address this or be called a liar!
The only debate is whether he’s an active co-conspirator with these savages, or just their useful idiot.
Islam is a warped ideology. Its totalitarian.
But you and your advisers Mr. President, refuse to face the facts.
We can’t help you despite all the evidence to the contrary.
We can co-exist—if we submit.
FUBO!! Traitor!!
Obama aims to show Islam, Western communities can coexist
1400 years of history argue against it.
It’s like living with cancer. You can ‘peacefully’ co-exist but it eats away at you and offers nothing admirable. Eventually you will have problems.
And the nation (the real nation, not the NOI cult) of Islam (the one with a segregated capital and a death penalty for those non-muslims who’d dare enter) is NOT tolerant of any other faiths.
Islam has a looooooooooooooooooooooong history rich in acts of violence.
Why would we want to coexist with a cult of murder, mayhem, rape, and inhumanity?
Obama is living in a World unknown to sanity.
Go to 2:25. The professor is Obama, the thing is Islamic terrorism and we are the rest. That is what we will have to do to them. ZAP!
The followers of islam do not what to exist at our sides they want to kill us and impost their 6th century ideals on us by force. They and their holy book have told us that many times.
Obama is selling us down the road. At each and every opportunity he will side with Islam and against our country and absolutely against any other religion. His actions scream that he hates Hews and Christians. His mouth lies if you want the truth watch his actions and turn the sound of his mouth off. You will quickly and clearly see the truth.
A lion and a lamb can coexist so long as the lamb is inside the lion.
Obama isn’t compatible with truth, but he is compatible with Islam. Only Nixon could go to China, and only Obama can go to Islam with job programs.
Wr may not be at war with Islam but Islam is at war with us. No other justification is needed save their own personal beliefs.
The “Coexist” meme was played out fourteen years ago.
Please tell the Christians on their “high horse(s)” about the Crusades again, Mr. POTUS?
and SO What if a few peons get killed in the process...
Street Artist Combo Brutally Attacked for Pacifist Tag Post Charlie Hebdo
It seems like something one would be hard pressed to disagree with: the word coexist,” written on a wall using a Muslim crescent as the letter C,” a Star of David as the letter X,” and a Christian cross as a T.”
But in Paris, this particular iteration of the popular inscriptionhere, created by the street artist Combo, who also pasted a life-size photo of himself next to itdidn’t go down well with everybody. Le Monde reports that four young people asked the artist to remove it last weekend, and beat him up severely when he refused to do so.