Posted on 02/18/2015 6:25:01 PM PST by Truth29
The disputed fate of the 21 Coptic Christians abducted in Sirte, Libya is now clear and visible for all to see on video: while holding them down, Islamic State members shove their fingers in the Christians' eyes, crane their heads back, and slice away at their throats with knivesall in the name of Allah and Islam, all as the slaughtered call out on the "Lord Jesus Christ."
Needless to say, such atrocities were unheard of under Gaddafi's "authoritarian" rule (just as they were unheard of in Saddam Hussein's Iraq, just as they were unheard of in Syrian regions formerly under Bashar Assad, etc.).(snip)
Muslim slaughter of Christians is the litmus test of how "radical" an Islamic society has become. In every single Mideast nation where the U.S. and its Western allies have interferedIraq, Egypt (under Morsi), Libya, and ongoing Syriathe slaughter of Christians there is a reflection of the empowerment of forces hostile to everything Western civilization once stood for.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Where is Hillary? Those Libyans want Qadaffi’s money back.
This entire Jihad is hatred for Christians Jews and shiites. I hate the Wahhabi sunni bastards I want them head chopped on tv and burned alive in retribution. I want them removed from my country now before they kill our children. Praise Jesus!!
Obama has “freed” Libya to be a democratic Nation now. We must bow down and worship the King of Sodom, Barack Obama, and worship him for he has freed Libya.......To kill God’s children
You would like the way Muhammad Ali, the khedive of Egypt treated the prisoners his forces took after suppressing a Wahhabi revolt in what is now Saudi Arabia in 1818. It is said that he had most of them beheaded, and their heads were piled up to form a pyramid. However, he spared a few of them from beheading so that they could be impaled on stakes along the roadways as a warning against any further hankypanky by the Wahhabis.
It’s not Libya’s war, it’s Islam’s Jihad.
Things got to change—we and the world can’t wait til 1-20-17.
Obama = Muslim Brotherhood
Muslim Brotherhood = ISIS
ISIS = demonic horde of locusts
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