Posted on 02/17/2015 9:22:37 AM PST by tcrlaf
Senior rebel commander Eduard Basurin said on Tuesday pro-Russian separatists had gained control of more than 80 percent of the east Ukrainian transport hub of Debaltseve, which has been gripped by fighting despite a ceasefire deal.
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This morning, Kiev tried to relieve Debaltseve with "Two regiments", the largest push yet. Ukraine admits it was smashed, and claims that videos showing prisoners from Debaltseve are from that column. Rebels say "They are all dead."
Numerous media reports of mass surrenders today in Debaltseve, Bloomberg TV was reporting 300 Ukr Army troops surrendered to the rebels.
Twitter reports saying that the "general headquarters" in Debaltseve is now surrounded.
It sounds as if complete rebel control of the town is just hours away.
ATO spokesman Col. Lysenko will make a statement at 19.15 (Kyiv time)
Once more under the boot heel.
Russia has requested an emergency meeting of the UNSC on Ukraine, today 3pm NY Time
I do wonder, with everything that is going on: Ukraine, Greece, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Chinese bases near disputed territory, (and soon Bahrain); how much are the Russians, Iran and China are coordinating their actions?
Originally it seemed the rebels were on the backfoot, but in the last month, the Ukrainian army has really fallen apart. what happened?
“Originally it seemed the rebels were on the backfoot, but in the last month, the Ukrainian army has really fallen apart. what happened?”
Poor leadership...
No, not just poor, but criminal leadership. Fractured commands with the Oligarch/Nazi militias unanswerable to the High Command, using conscripts for attack, instead of defense, etc,etc...
This whole thing has been a disaster for Ukraine since the day the coup happened.
It’s a laundry list of things, all of them bad.
Yuriy_Sergeyev: #UN SC will hold its meeting on the situation in Eastern Ukraine today at 3p.m, resolution will be voting
Sounds like Obama’s bold threat to send arms to Ukraine really scared some folks.
The Russian reaction to the suggestion sure scared the hell out of Merkel and Hollande.
So much so that they didn’t even bother consulting with THE MESSIAH OBAMA, DEAR LEADER OF AMERICA before going to Moscow for peace talks.
Nazi militias
Care to expand?
Rebel leader Zakrchenko was hit in the leg this morning, in Debaltseve, while trying to negotiate a surrender.
Latest tweets and photos showing him now out of surgery and alert.
The Ukrainians were trying to defend a narrow salient. The odds were stacked against them. They need to pull out and shorten their lines conserving men and material.
“Nazi militias Care to expand?”
Been covered a hundred times over the last year.
Google it. Start with the “Azov” Brigade.
Ukraine almost pushed them back to the borders in August, it is now fighting regular forces of the Russian Red Army.
Don’t despair, FRiend, the Debaltsevo salient was too hard to maintain. There was a small chance that Putin would hold after Minsk 2 agreement, he didn’t, oh well, what else is new. Most of Ukrainians troops were withdrawn from Deb. some time ago. Russians are indeed on the march, and they are taking losses. Time is ticking and Russians are losing billions in dough a month for their little adventure in Ukraine so the plan is to hold out for a year or two and steady pile up those Russian bodies.
“They need to pull out and shorten their lines conserving men and material.”
They couldn’t.
They painted themselves into a propaganda corner, by claiming that Debaltseve was “Our Stalingrad!”, that the rebels were actually losing, and a dozen other Orwellian claims, all while being pushed from behind by the Right Sector Nazi’s and other radicals like Svoboda.
“it is now fighting regular forces of the Russian Red Army.”
Kiev has been making that claim, FOR A YEAR, and for a YEAR, there hasn’t been any proof of it, other than Orwellian Kiev propaganda, and a few “Satellite photos” taken from video games.
If Kiev’s “Russian INVASION!” claims were to be believed, they’d have a larger army in Southeast Ukraine than they had for Operation Bagration in WW2, and we’d have been talking about the Fall of Kiev several months ago.
Actually, the Donetsk Airport was painted as the Ukrainian Stalingrad, and they did good there while it lasted. But it did fall.
They learned from that, not to give too much meaning, so there wasn’t much of that for Debaltseve.
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