Posted on 02/10/2015 5:10:50 AM PST by Dave346
Both Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and US President Barack Obama have assured the Israeli and American public that Netanyahu's planned address to Congress will not harm the "unbreakable" US-Israel relationship - but a far-left NGO's new campaign Tuesday seeks to reignite sentiment against Netanyahu.
The campaign, entitled, "I am a Jew, and Bibi does NOT [sic] speak for me," calls on American Jews to sign a petition against Netanyahu's Washington visit to Israel's Ambassador in the US, Ron Dermer.
The language throughout the campaign is unabashedly hostile.
"Sunday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he would be representing all Jews when he addresses Congress next month," the sign-up page explains. "He said he's coming to Washington 'not just as the prime minister of Israel but as a representative of the entire Jewish people."
"He certainly cannot claim any mandate to speak for Jews in the United States," the petition continued.
"Add your name. Help us let his Ambassador in Washington, Ron Dermer, know that--as an American, as a Jew--Benjamin Netanyahu doesn't speak for you."
Petitioners who sign are then greeted by this banner, as well as the recommendation to spread the message on Twitter using the #BibiDoesntSpeakForMe hashtag.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Well, J Street was co-founded by Soros so this isn’t exactly a surprise.
Sounds like the house Jews are eagerly doing their master’s bidding.
Follow the money. It will most likely lead to another Soro’s shell corporation or one of his comrades. It almost always does when it’s anti-Semitic or is anything having to do with destroying Israel who Satan really hates with a passion. C:\Satan \ Soros \ Obama....
Netanyahu doesn’t merely speak for me, he speaks for the entire civilized world. He speaks against Islamic barbarism and savagery. He speaks for the defense of the our culture, religion and values. He speaks for our way of life. So, yes, he speaks for me.
J-Street should be named IDHACJS:
I Don't Have A Clue Jew Street
J-Street should be named UIJS:
Usefull Idiot Jew Street
J-Street doesn’t speak for the security and continuation of Israel in the Middle East. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu does!
These Jews would have opposed the allied assault on Auschwitz.
IF they were lucky enough to be sent there.
If youd like to be on or off, please FR mail me.
Who cares what these Jew Hating Jews have to say. They are like Christians throwing fellow Christians to the Lions and betting on the outcome.
J Puke
I wouldn’t be surprised to see some of the media refuse to broadcast the speech. Then only report whatever sound bites and visuals that can be twisted out of context to fit their AmericaPhobe agenda.
"When" J Street was founded is probably more important.
It is hard to connect the two events, but J Street was founded right after Mearsheimer and Walt published their book, "The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy".
After you get past that, you have to look at which members of Congress get money from J Street and which members get their money from AIPAC.
Obviously, AIPAC is older, larger, and more affluent so they have more influence, but I have seen it mentioned that J Street is growing rapidly.
Let caution you, when you mention Soros in this context, you should ALWAYS phrase it as the "self-loathing Jew Soros".
Or as the anti Jewish Jew.
The Soros funded J-Street pukes have to keep their jobs. So they are looking busy pulling this vile sh*t. Look busy or you join the ranks of the unemployed!! Even if some of them are sympathetic to Bibi N.
I despise these Muzzie-symp Jews! (me being Jewish)
If you are bot on the side of Israel you are on the side of the Jihadists. This how it sorts out in the Middle East!
It runs parallel to Zionism to say that Soros is not a Zionist Jew or a member of Zionist Organization of America(ZOA).
Zionist Jews are paralleled by Zionist Christians
Soros, as a Jewish teenager in Hungary, was a KAPO, a Jew who worked against other Jews in order to look out for themselves.
He is also a Marxist as witnessed by many of the leftist governments and projects he started and/or funds, esp. the Campaign for America’s Progress.
J Street is/was a mix of Marxists, leftist liberals and liberal Jewish dupes (of which we have far too many - aka ALWAYS STUCK ON STUPID SMUCKS).
Soros is a “self-loathing Jew” or by now, even a “self-hating Jew”, having betrayed his heritage during WW2 (he did fund Jewish charities for a while but I’ve been told that this funding has gone down as his funding of leftist causes has gone up).
Kissinger in not really a “self-hating Jew”. He is more an egocentric academic who gained political power under Nixon (which many of us strongly opposed. Even the man who brought K to Washington in the 50’s, the late Dr. Fritz Kraemer - Patton’s 3rd Armor Div. intelligence office, WW2, Advisor to the Chief of the Army, an incredibly intelligence geopolitical strategist, and acquaintance of mine), regretted his decision to bring Kissinger to DC in light of what K did to undermine America’s security re VIetnam/SE Asia.
Meanwhile, J Street members should be treated like a syphillus rash in both the Jewish community and in the population in general. They should be isolated and intellectually eradicated with the truth and knowledge.
Make them the NEW KAPOS. Put a Scarlet Letter on their names on the J Street members/supporters list, and send it to your Jewish friends who may not know who this enemy of America and Israel is.
See what and have on their database sites.
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