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“Sons of Liberty” does not claim to be immaculately factual. It is a TV blockbuster, done with sophisticated production values, made to draw huge ratings and excite the viewing audiences of Western culture. Its discrepancies in the details are justified because it very clearly portrays what is important – that America was a “new philosophical vision of government instituted to protect men’s rights rather than manipulate men’s lives.”
1 posted on 02/04/2015 11:19:44 AM PST by Nelson Hultberg
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To: Nelson Hultberg

Fat, childish actors playing our strong, raw-boned ancestors. We last 10 minutes with it...

2 posted on 02/04/2015 11:24:38 AM PST by miss marmelstein (Richard the Third: Loyalty Binds Me)
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To: Nelson Hultberg

I have seen the first two installments, probably will watch the third tonight.

My 0.02 cents:

1. Of course the is a lot of literacy license. So what? The movie “The Ten Commandments” did the same and most people think that was wonderful.

2. There is enough factual material to make it worthwhile. I wouldn’t use it to study for a US history test, but that is not the purpose.

3. Love the portrayal of the Colonialists being against taxes and an oppressive government. That is enough to make it a great conversation starter with others.

3 posted on 02/04/2015 11:24:42 AM PST by Gamecock (Joel Osteen is a minister of the Gospel like Captain Cruch is a Naval line officer.)
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To: Nelson Hultberg

Have I missed it already or is it scheduled on the History Channel sometime in February?

4 posted on 02/04/2015 11:26:58 AM PST by PapaNew (The grace of God & freedom always win the debate in the forum of ideas over unjust law & government)
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To: Nelson Hultberg
I guess I'm a prude.

I think something claiming to be based upon historical fact should in some way resemble the history it claims as its base.

5 posted on 02/04/2015 11:33:23 AM PST by skeeter
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To: Nelson Hultberg

The only thing worse than “Sons of Liberty”, was this review. The show was a garbage strewn wreck of a cheesy hipsterian morality play, with visions not of liberty and freedom, but rather visions of aspiring to be counted as a worthy parallel to Pirates of the Caribbean. This doesn’t make me a “purist”. It merely makes me capable of seeing that making a show that panders to the lowest common denominator audience doesn’t elevate that audience, but rather debases the show, and whatever ideas may have inspired that show, to the gutter as well.

This wasn’t a platform which showcases the ideas that made this country great. It was a platform that showcased 5-day old beard growth, snappy meaningless dialogue, cartoonish villainry, and video-game action sequencing. Anyone who wasn’t appalled by this dreck should be ashamed of themselves.

7 posted on 02/04/2015 11:36:20 AM PST by jjsheridan5 (The next Ronald Reagan will not be a Republican, but rather a former Republican)
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To: Nelson Hultberg

It will find a way to gratuitously overemphasize blacks women homosexuals and any other minority

I’d bet

Just like Torn

Rare is a period piece today that doesn’t

Directors and producers and writers do it on their own or at the behest of studios chiefs or network honchos

I miss just old fashioned gratuitous violence and sec

8 posted on 02/04/2015 11:37:32 AM PST by wardaddy (glenn beck is a nauseous politically correct conservative on LSD)
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To: Nelson Hultberg

The Real Sons of Liberty

“The Montresor Journals”, Volume 14 By John Montrésor, James Gabriel Montrésor, [edit. Scull]

“Allicock, Head of the Sons of Liberty, is the son of a mulattoe woman, p 368

1766 “’29th Seventeen hundred of the The Levelers with firearms are collected at Poughkeepsie. p376

1766 “11th A considerable mob asssembled on the Common, cosisting of 2 or 3000 Sons of Liberty
..the Tree of Liberty...when the mob drew instantly out of their pockets a case of pistols

“The Sons of Liberty assembled at night in the fields...
To such a pass are matters come too, that at Philadelphia
in a Stationers Shop was found wrote in a blank Book
G____ by the C__se of G_d, us_per of G___t B__t__n,
and Dest_r_y of the Faith. Great Enquiries were made,
but unfortunately to no purpose.”
p.347”Montresor`s Journals” 1766. 19 Jan. [Scull]

March 1766 “This night the Sons of Liberty assembled and insolently sent Mr. Allecocke [son of a mulatto woman] and Seares, two of their Representatives on board the Garland Ship of War to demand the Lieut of His majesty`s Ship
for having said that the Printer of the Thursday`s Gazette, was he in England, would be hanged for the licentiousness of his Paper.” p.353

“This day a Seditious paper was published [nothing uncommon] by Mr. Holt, Printer, signed Philalethes, as per paper.” May 8, 1766. p.365

“The Sons of Liberty make no scruple of publickly [sic] declaring that they will fight to their knees in blood
rather than suffer the Stamp Act to be enforced...” p.365. 12 May 1766

“No advices received from Connecticut —the Inhabitants have deposed their governor and chosen another, turned out the members of the Assembly and have formed themselves into a committee of 500 men to oppose the present Stamp Act to be enforced...” May 19, 1766 p.367

Stamp Act Repealed- “All the bells set ringing again as soon as daylight appeared.
...Two large bonfires were constructed one for the Sons of Liberty...
Night ended in drunkeness, throwing of Squibbs, Crackers [firecrackers], firing of muskets and pistols, breaking some windows and forcing off the Knockers off the doors.” 21 May 1766. p.367 “Montresor`s Journals” Vol. 14, Scull

[SQUIBB 1. A pipe or tube, or ball of paper filled with powder, to be fired so as to burn and often to explode with a crack.

“A proclamation issued this day for apprehending 7 of the principal country Levelers [Sons of Liberty] for High Treason...” June 20, 1766 p.374

“Pendergast is indited [sic][leader of the Sons of Liberty was captured] for High Treason.”
6 Aug. 1766 p.380

“Wm. Pendergast, who was tried at Poughkeepsie and found guilty of High Treason and received Sentence of Death...” Aug. 19 1766 p.384

10 posted on 02/04/2015 11:39:51 AM PST by bunkerhill7 (re (`("The Second Amendment has no limits on firepower"-NY State Senator Kathleen A. Marchione.")))
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To: Nelson Hultberg

I enjoyed the series.
It as never touted as being a documentary.

11 posted on 02/04/2015 11:42:00 AM PST by Repeal The 17th (We have met the enemy, and he is us.)
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To: Nelson Hultberg

Wait, so Dr. Joseph Warren wasn’t really schtupping Mrs. Gage? ...and General Gage did not really personally kill Dr. Warren at Breed’s Hill and bring his blood back to Mrs. Gage? Bahaha! Look, I’m happy for any American history to be shown on American television, but was that BS really necessary? What, the original story is not good enough for the mindless morons in this country to watch? Give me a break!

12 posted on 02/04/2015 11:49:32 AM PST by Batman11 (The orange, weeping, drunk, squishy oompah-loompah and Yertle McTurd-le gotta go!)
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To: Nelson Hultberg
Sons of Liberty: A Review

Here's my review: it sucked. Hunky actors spouting poorly written dialoge that was very loosly based on a true story. I should have suspected as much when they used the Stones "Paint It Black" in the commercials.

16 posted on 02/04/2015 12:00:28 PM PST by DoodleDawg
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To: Nelson Hultberg; jjsheridan5
Then, as now, the battle which must be fought is, at its core, a battle of ideas, and ideas have consequences.

If this Sons of Liberty production arouses the curiosity and interest of individual citizens to explore the writings, speeches, and ideas of the characters portrayed, then it may play a part in a recognition of the essential ideas of liberty, and a rejection of the tired old ideas of tyranny which dominate so-called "progressive" politics of 2015.

We must not overlook what the Founders of the American Republic called, the role of "Divine Providence," whose pathway to the minds and hearts of youth can bypass even the most ardent and determined efforts of those so-called "progressives."

Now that this drama may have caught their attention, we do, however, have some responsibility ourselves for directing attention of youth to the ideas of the Founders, all to be found online now, not in some dark stacks on remote floors of university libraries.

For instance, the Sons of Liberty portrayal of Samuel Adams might allow us to introduce to Millenials his clearly-articulated understanding of liberty versus tyranny.

"The liberties of our Country, the freedom of our civil constitution are worth defending at all hazards: And it is our duty to defend them against all attacks. We have receiv'd them as a fair Inheritance from our worthy Ancestors: They purchas'd them for us with toil and danger and expence of treasure and blood; and transmitted them to us with care and diligence. It will bring an everlasting mark of infamy on the present generation, enlightened as it is, if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle; or be cheated out of them by the artifices of false and designing men. Of the latter we are in most danger at present: Let us therefore be aware of it. Let us contemplate our forefathers and posterity; and resolve to maintain the rights bequeath'd to us from the former, for the sake of the latter. - Instead of sitting down satisfied with the efforts we have already made, which is the wish of our enemies, the necessity of the times, more than ever, calls for our utmost circumspection, deliberation, fortitude, and perseverance. Let us remember that "if we suffer tamely a lawless attack upon our liberty, we encourage it, and involve others in our doom." It is a very serious consideration, which should deeply impress our minds, that millions yet unborn may be the miserable sharers of the event." Samuel Adams - Essay in the Boston Gazette, October 14, 1771

"When designs are form'd to raze the very foundation of a free government, those few who are to erect their grandeur and fortunes upon the general ruin, will employ every art to sooth the devoted people into a state of indolence, inattention and security, which is forever the fore-runner of slavery." - Article signed "Candidus," in Boston Gazette, December 9, 1771

"If the public are bound to yield obedience to laws to which they cannot give their approbation, they are slaves to those who make such laws and enforce them." Samuel Adams- As Candidus in the Boston Gazette, January 20, 1772

"The right to freedom being the gift of God Almighty, it is not in the power of man to alienate this gift and voluntarily become a slave... These may be best understood by reading and carefully studying the institutes of the great Law Giver and Head of the Christian Church, which are to be found clearly written and promulgated in the New Testament." Samuel Adams - Rights of the Colonists, November 20, 1772

"It is the greatest absurdity to suppose it in the power of one, or any number of men, at the entering into society, to renounce their essential natural rights, or the means of preserving those rights; when the grand end of civil government, from the very nature of its institution, is for the support, protection, and defence of those very rights; the principal of which, as is before observed, are Life, Liberty, and Property. If men, through fear, fraud, or mistake, should in terms renounce or give up any essential natural right, the eternal law of reason and the grand end of society would absolutely vacate such renunciation. The right to freedom being the gift of God Almighty, it is not in the power of man to alienate this gift and voluntarily become a slave." - The Rights of the Colonists, November 20, 1772

"Is it now high time for the people of this country to explicitly declare whether they will be free men or slaves. It is an important question which ought to be decided. It concerns more than anything in this life. The salvation of our souls is interested in this event. For wherever tyranny is established, immorality of every kind comes in like a torrent, it is in the interest of tyrants to reduce the people to ignorance and vice.” - Samuel Adams


“The utopian schemes of leveling and a community of goods, are as visionary and impractical as those which vest all property in the crown. These ideas are arbitrary, despotic, and, in our government unconstitutional.” - Samuel Adams

Of the current crop of like 2016 candidates, only Ted Cruz seems capable of articulating such ideas from within his own understanding of the ideas essential to liberty and those of tyranny which we see in "progressive" polices all around us.
27 posted on 02/04/2015 1:11:45 PM PST by loveliberty2
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To: Nelson Hultberg

I thought I was in a 3 hour Samuel Adams beer commercial.
I also didn’t know Sam Admas played such a pivotal role in the Revolution.

He who pays the piper calls the tune.

28 posted on 02/04/2015 1:15:58 PM PST by mkleesma (`Call to me, and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.')
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To: Nelson Hultberg

I enjoyed it very much.

29 posted on 02/04/2015 1:48:20 PM PST by Rebelbase
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To: Nelson Hultberg

We enjoyed it and took it for what it was worth. We knew from the “git-go” it wasn’t 100% spot-on authentic. Still, if it sparked an interest in some uneducated viewers it may result in having them research the subject more and learn something.

I loved that the focus was on Samuel Adams, my favorite of the F.F.s.

The same week this played, we re-watched the three “Atlas Shrugged” DVDs. We overdosed on patriotism.

30 posted on 02/04/2015 1:56:17 PM PST by MayflowerMadam
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To: Nelson Hultberg

A bit late, but I saw it all and was surprised how it screwed up the real events, but I took it with a grain of salt. Found out about it basically a day before it aired and tuned in for it.

History is doing another one for May about Texas, but the people behind The Hatfields and McCoys did that one called Texas Uprising.

31 posted on 02/04/2015 10:36:39 PM PST by Mozilla
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