Nobody ate more salt than my dad. He would occasionally make pancakes or oatmeal for us kids and the taste salt had to be covered with extra syrup or brown sugar respectively. He had the salt shaker going during meals. He lived to be 91 and it wasn’t his heart that got him.
Salt in pancakes?!?
I think I would have spit them out and just stuck with cereal :)
I had breakfast in a restaurant last week. Ordered waffles with eggs and ham. I had a hard time eating it because it just didn’t taste right. That’s when I realized the salt was missing - even in the ham. I proceeded using the salt shaker which is something I have never done before. The salt didn’t improve the taste. Food was bland topped with salt. That’s when I realized that salt needs to be cooked with the food in order to taste good.
I’m giving up going out to eat. If I want to eat healthy I’ll do it at home, not when I pay someone to feed me.
Salt is good for us. It is a preservative! hello!
My old man was the same way. Made it to 90 and died of the fact he started smoking when he was 15.
Ah I’m not the only one. I add salt while cooking oatmeal and then salt it before I put sugar on it. I like the salty sweet taste.