- Airbus has a carbon fibrr rudder assembly
- Carbon Fiber vertical tail surfaces have a modulus of elasticity like Michael Jordon described Barack Hussein Obama Junior’s gold game : SHI-TY
- One quick movement and the piece of crap snaps
- See Sept 2011 crash in NY
- There is no logical reason that a simple “breakaway” locator cannot be fitted tp commercial airline aircraft
- But what do I know?
Interesting. Thank you.
Not to defend Airbus, but that was not "one quick movement" in the NY crash.
The first officer put in full rudder one way, then when the vertical fin swung all the way past the aerodynamic balance point with full rudder (compounded by inertia when it swung back), he abruptly reversed the rudder in the other direction, causing an aerodynamic exceedance of the design structural limit of the airplane.
American implemented a new training program for their pilots after that crash -- to remedy the previous training that taught their pilots to manipulate the rudder too aggressively during wake turbulence encounters.