No...and that’s the problem with a primary process that focuses on Iowa and New England early. States should be weighted not only by population, but also by whether or not they’ve voted GOP in the last two election cycles.
He’s too Bush. Dynasties are anathema to a democratic republic.
He fits the GOP bill to a ‘T’...they LOVE lukewarm Conservatives like Jeb.
He’s in to try to keep the conservatives out.
The question is, is Bush Liberal enough for the Men Seeking Men media to continue pushing him on the American public after Hitlery is nominated?
Why no! Just look at how successful OTHER moderate GOP candidates have done - like Dole, McCain, Romney.
The question is will Jeb Bush stop praising his oponent and offer zero alternatives, making him look like an idiot to both potential democrat voters and even non conservative Republican ones.
The S&M act between the GoPe and Democrats is always the same, getting moneys by beating themselves on the head,except the stupid party is even so stupid as to not fail to switch the role now and then.
* as to not/fail to switch the
Its not that Jeb Bush is “too liberal”. Its that he is too soft. The last thing we need is some one who muddies the water and feeds left wing narratives with stupid statements like his illegal immigration is an “Act of Love” crap. His time has passed. Plus the Bush name is dirt and while I supported GW I believe it is time to move on from the dynasty of Bushes that ruined what Reagan worked so hard to build. Its not that they aren’t nice guys but that isn’t enough. You don’t let sheep fight your battles especially against such a ruthless enemy like the left and the political class which has interests diametrically opposed to what is good for America and in particular for its REAL citizens who still believe in constitutional limited governance.
Unfortunately, he is not.
Bush or Romney will ENSURE a Hillary presidency. If you think the stay at home voters walked away in 2012, they will run away in 2016.
Personally, G W Bush was the right man for the job during 9/11...I cannot imagine Al Gore ever doing anything constructive for America, and after he had his mental breakdown....well that should speak for itself.
As for Jeb Bush, NOT NO BUT HE$$ NO! I think the Bush Presidencies should be over. Jeb isn’t even clear on what conservative principles he would be willing to fight for, so I’m NOT going to vote for him.
America has challenges issues that will need to be addressed openly and forcefully, and if the candidate does not have any ‘kahunas’ forget them! We need a REAGAN, or a G.W as he was during the months after 9/11. The country came together, and for all the backpedaling and BS NOW, THERE ws some unity for awhile.
SPENDING MUST BE REIGNED IN, and if this candidate for 2016 is a spender, and doesn’t have a real plan, I’m not interested in them at all.
That’s my opinion, however I expect the ZERO to do something to stay in power in 2016. OR I expect Zero is trying to topple the USA into another huge recession, that will fall right onto the Republicans in 2016. This type of person is not interested in the welfare of the citizens, but only in his own agenda.... to be a world leader.
My two cents.
With the repulsive precedents of McCain and Romney why bother asking? No candidate is too liberal to win the Republican nomination.
Make the MSM happy, a Bush/Clinton ticket! LOL!!!
Jeb Bush? Is the country THAT bereft of leaders that we need to revert to some sort of dynastic succession? As of now, my money’s on TED CRUZ. Why this fascination with the quadreniel presidential BEAUTY CONTEST when we need to focus on putting good folks into our STATE LEGISLATURES and the national House and Senate.
While he MIGHT have been a darling to Florida and national conservatives, Jeb Bush is married to a native of Mexico (Columba is the daughter of a migrant worker). And before you scream “ethnocentric bigot” at me, there’s nothing inherently wrong with that. Love knows no bounds.
George P. Bush is Jeb’s kid. Both he and junior are ALLEGED to be Republicans (RINOS?) but they are probably afflicted with a form of cultural schizophrenia, having a foot (or other body parts) in both cultures which may partially explain WHY they’re pushing AMNESTY. They’ve forgotten that THEIR loyalty SHOULD be to el Estados Unidos (sorry, the United States) and they swore oathes to the Constitution HERE, not that of Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Paraguy, etc.
And why the Pubbies are falling all over themselves to court the 16.4% (50,477,594) of allegedly LEGAL RESIDENTS who call themselves Hispanic is beyond reason. And that a number of Pubbies are hell bent on hiking that number by another 11 to 20 MILLION NEW VOTERS, a large percentage of whom — conditioned to the freebies and other goodies supplied over the years by BOTH parties — WILL BE DEMOCRATS, causes one to question their sanity.
Memo to the GOP: With a number of exceptions, the bulk of the hispanics already here are NOT Pubbies and the new ones won’t be either. Do you clowns have a DEATH WISH??
Between the invasion from the south and the Muslim invasion, any vestige of European culture — the culture MY great-grandparents and probably yours brought here after standing in line at places like Ellis Island, being interrogated, proving they had a sponsor, being deloused and recorded — will be a distant memory IF its remembered at all.
And if — in some strange and metastasizing American desire to return to a royal family dynasty — Jeb or his son should win the White House in some future presidential beauty contest designed to divert the American electorate every four years, I’d bet that HIS activities toward this alien invasion will make W’s behavior look like a warm-up exercise.
All of that said, ya’ gotta wonder about why Rand Paul is making the same sort of pro-amnesty noises.
Bracing for FLAMES from the Bush people in here.
This reminds me of the college socialist who were running around doing papers on how many “Hitler” signs they saw during the Tea Party protests in Washington.
Really, how liberal is Jeb Bush? This establishment RINO will NEVER get my vote, I don't support “open borders” candidate under any circumstances!
Do we really need to go down this RINO road again, because, in 2016, another socialist will win the Whitehouse! The crony capitalist who support these RINO’s need to get a message and should be hit hard in their wallets!
No, of course not.
Control of the process is in the hands of liberals, he's virtually certain to be the Republican nominee.
For those of you still clinging to the GOP Fantasy, I'm sorry.
Jeb Bush is a loser and not much better than Obama.
There isn’t a thing conservative about him.