If a sixteen year old young lady gets in a car full of guys, she's losing control of events. She's putting herself at the mercy of their judgment, morals, and self control. What could possibly go wrong, I wonder? Oh, that's what were talking about!
Blame is not applicable; I want her to be safe and well. Saying she should avoid a situation such as this, and exercised poor judgment, is totally different than saying she is "to blame."
She is responsible for exercising poor judgment, which is not a crime, but has devastating consequences. It's not a moral failing, but foolishness.
The young men involved also exercised poor judgment, which involved both moral and legal culpability. They should pay heavily with many years in prison.
She would be in a much better place if she'd never gotten in the car. Please explain why that is " blaming the victim."
That description you wrote is fine. It doesn’t “blame the victim”. It describes the importance of making responsible decisions.