Here’s a suggestion:
Why don’t you ask the young women who were never raped during their time at MSU to contribute what they did to avoid sexual assault.
For my daughter (MSU-2006), it was
(1) choosing your friends wisely; pick those who will not hesitate to help you.
(2) avoiding gatherings where drinking is the primary feature.
(3) going to bed early; nothing good ever happens after midnight.
(4) situational awareness: when traveling campus after dark and not traveling alone.
(5) situational awareness: understanding your personal protection options (AKA: multiple keys on a lanyard).
Of the 5, #1 is the most important followed closely by #2.
Nota Bene: this list will be different for (a) heterosexual males and (b) homosexual males.
Back in the morning of my life, while at MSU, there was a constant drumbeat about how much rape there was on campus.
The student enrollment at that time was around 45,000, I doubt it has changed much, lots of overhead has to be maintained.
To my knowledge, I never knew anyone who was raped, or knew anyone who knew anyone who was raped. There were news stories (nameless victims, or women who were not raped because they fought back) like, when MSU instituted an after-hours bus service that took everyone who wanted a ride when the main library closed for free to each and every dorm on campus, the bus driver (not a student) reportedly raped one of the passengers.
Just as with the latest agitprop in the Rolling Stone, there’s no good reason to believe any of those news stories were anything but made up. My favorite fake statistic is, that rape is underreported. Try to disprove that one, willya? “We don’t have any figures, or names or anything, or even forensic evidence, you’ll just have to take our word for it, just as you should always believe the rape victim.”
Those five suggestions look spot on to me.
And of course, the radical reply to it would take the form of, there’s no reason why she should have to blah blah blah...
Rules for living by.