“My ancestors in Virginia had to pick that, I said wearily. “
A neat trick since tobacco was the cash crop. Virginia isn’t part of the cotton belt.
Bet she has never seen a real cotton field in her life. But if she ever does she will feel offended by the sight and go into a rage!
Hahahahahaha! Brilliant work of fiction there Stacey. Took Oprah’s fancy French bag story to new heights. Not a word of it rings true by any stretch of the imagination. Of course, the only thing slaves picked was cotton, right? And year round. And in all states including Alaska and Hawaii. And probably as late as 1987, right?
No lib in Whole Foods would dare accuse a black of stealing kale. I look for employee name tags before asking for more Ms. Meyers lemon verbena, whatever that may be. OK, did a search and it’s a line of “hard working” household cleaner and personal products which I doubt very much it would be on a high class cosmetic counter but then I don’t shop at high end boutiques like Ms. Stacey brags she does.
Ms. Stacey let her own racism out by whining about her black neighborhood becoming gentrified with whites causing prices to rise (first she was channeling Oprah and now Spike Lee). Uh, wait, I though she lived in an upper class neighborhood with all her clothes shopping and paying Whole Foods prices but now she’s living in a poor neighbor. Come on, Stacey, you’re straying from the story. Hey, girl, it works both ways because my old neighborhood went from nice quiet white middle class to black ghetto overnight - Oak Cliff, Dallas, TX 1972.
Sorry to deflate your little balloon, Stacey, but I don’t automatically make assumptions based on color like you do. Thanks to you and your kind, you know, the liberal whinies of all skin colors, I will see “LIARS & HATERS” flashing neon signs on your heads.
I was going to say.
Moreover, African slaves were brought over for tobacco (American colonies) and sugar cane (Caribbean). Cotton production came much later.