Franken/Coleman was a hell of a lot closer if I recall. For Begich to win this, the fraud would be so obvious it would be overturned.
Let the vote fraud begin!
All of these ballots need to be immediately seized by the court and placed under armed guard!!
He would need something like 68% of all the absentee votes to win. Its not statistically possible (though mathematically plausible) that the absentee voters are 50% more likely than regular voters to vote for him.
I just think of Lisa and my blood boils. The Dems voted for her. They trashed Ted Stevens so Begich would win. He was later found innocent of charges but no accountability is required from lying Dems. The whole thing is disgusting.
Mark Bag of Sh@t got elected because of a PHONY Indictment of Ted Stevens which was totally dropped AFTER the election!!! Guess the Dems knew they couldn’t go back to that again!
Send Minnesota Secretary of State Mark Ritchie to Alaska and Begich is a sure winner.
Replacement absentee ballots are being forged as we speak.
Dan Sullivan won by 5 percentage points.
Its impossible for Mark Begich to overcome a lead that big.
70% of the outstanding ballots would have to break his way. Ain’t gonna happen.
I called this race for Sullivan after all the precincts reported Wednesday morning and it looks like it will stay that way.
This A-Hole must be counting on thousands of absentee votes flooding in on Monday with November 4 postmarks. The Al Franken franking system.
Is this the guy that Palin endorsed?
Potentially 35,000 or so votes to be counted. Begich is trailing by some 8,000+ plus
votes so that can change depending upon the early, absentee and mail ballots yet to be
tallied. He needs a large percentage of the uncounted votes to win and that
isn’t likely to happen.
.... 23,271 early and absentee ballots deemed eligible to be counted.
.... 12,541 absentee ballots sent out and if postmarked by November 4th, ballots
can arrive legally 15 days after the election and still be properly counted.
That would be Nov. 19.
Mail delivery from the bush country I suspect is part of the process
requiring the extended time.
Slow. Criminals at work. This is why RATS ridicule Pubs for complaining about voter fraud. It’s their (not so) secret weapon.
So they wait to see how many votes they need. Then they start tallying up the absentee votes. LOL. What a crock.
Cheating piece of fecal mater. I hate these people.
In the lead image, it looks like Begich is wearing a red Commie beanie ...
(And he *is* facing Russia, “swearing allegiance” ;)
The evil democrats changing the election results yet again by adding votes that don’t exist. Hateful monsters from the pit of hell who would destroy America for their own benefit. May the Lord God Jesus Christ stop their evil from continuing. The hate filled evil left wing communist democrats are so very dangerous to America and all our children.
Has Palin chimed in on this?
Every Car trunk in Alaska to be subject to search. Franken staff heading to Alaska. /s