They never had any relationship.
Senate Demos knew what this guy’s abilities were before 2008. They, like most of the left, knew only his skin color, and the rest be dammed.
As long as the ruse held up (and it did) the relationship was there.
Now? Oh now we get to hear the stories of how stupid Obama has always been, and it will become a deafening drumbeat from here into the future, especially after 2016.
That depends on the MSM. Will they follow suit or defend Obomba until the very end?....................
All my life, I learned that treating people with respect and appreciating what they do for you is conducive to surviving in a hard world.
The Democrats couldn’t do that when times where good and instead of coming together like a family in the face of adversity, they tear each other down and act like they don’t know each other.
I wouldn’t want these people to head my family. Why on earth would I ever want them to head our government?