morphing libertarian wrote:
Not enough votes for either of those
Cut funding
So what will the GOP do then when Obama refuses to sign a congressional budget bill into law that cuts funding? McConnell has already declared that no government shutdowns will take place under his watch. Boehner meanwhile has already taken the impeachment option off the table.
I can honestly say, I wish I was more excited about the election results last night but I don’t think the GOP party leadership has the drive or stomach to stop Obama’s tyrannical overreach.
The republicans will not do anything. LOL. The fact that there is no discussion about removing McC from the senate leadership position indicates how wrong it is for conservatives to keep wasting their votes on the GOP.
You’re exchanging with some who’s been ready to help make the GOP the third party for the last 16 years.
Listening to Rush about how the NY Times praises the GOP leaders for putting the tea party in their place.
When Bush or Christie gets the nomination perhaps more conservatives will finally see the GOP for what it is GOP lite.