dear shark,
Again, if this country is founded on judeo-christian principles, and the god of the bible says ‘give me one in ten of everything’, are we, by electing those who then demand from the electorate, MORE than what the god of the bible demands, not making THEM more worthy of ‘tribute - Roman definition’, than the one of whom desires the one in ten?
We’ve gone from those hallowed and revered principles to outright theft at the end of a gun, held by the very organization, that now, takes the money from us.
My amendment puts an upper limit of 10% on the tax rate, how then can you say the tribute would exceed God's?
Weve gone from those hallowed and revered principles to outright theft at the end of a gun, held by the very organization, that now, takes the money from us.
I quite agree, and that's why Section I prohibits withholdings and Section II explicitly prohibits taking of property before a jury trial in which the jury has the unquestionable and inalienable right to declare that there is no debt owed
There's several amendments I'd propose to curtail the assumption of power by the government.