By March, folks will be more desperate and willing to accept risks to cross the border. I quietly think the US Army deployment into the region is more of a publicity episode to give them some hope and delay this massive migration until some wonder-drug is devised (personally, I don’t buy it the scheme).
Figure six million people in Sierra Leone...maybe 100,000 dead by early spring of 2015. That will be enough to get half the population of the country fired up to pack and try to escape. Wouldn’t surprise me if you start to see freighters off the coast of the US, hijacked by local Sierra Leone folks. How would the Coast Guard react, and do we have plans to establish quarantine camps just for these people?
If they try to migrate, and they will. Ebola will spread. How about telling any that try to come here by boat/plane/etc. That if they get within x amount of miles, they will be sunk/shot down, etc.
Last week Pres Obola quietly issued an executive order calling up reservists and specifically including the Coast Guard