If I still have to prove things to you, it’s clear you didn’t bother to pay attention the what all this guy released.
I read what you wrote, but you have nothing to back up what your saying.
If China, Russia and the Whole world knows about it..., then why are you still saying “it’s a secret”? LOL!
What you fail to understand is that by allowing the Supreme Law of the land, The U.S. Constitution, to be usurped with no accountability..., then you are inviting Tyranny.
It’s that attitude of why Border Patrol agents were killed in the Fast and the Furious. It’s that attitude of why a U.S. diplomat and Navy Seals were killed in Benghazi. It’s that attitude why we had the IRS scandal. Shall I continue????
I do not understand why it’s so difficult for you to connect the dots of where that attitude will ultimately lead you.
Do you honestly believe this country is on the right path since 911? Do you really want to be known as the people that brought Tyranny to the United States?