CongressRAT Charlie Rangle did far worse, avoiding taxes on a million doallar mansion he owns in the Dominican Republic, yet he only got censored. No jail time, no community service, no nothing. Got away Scott free.
RE: CongressRAT Charlie Rangle did far worse, avoiding taxes on a million doallar mansion he owns in the Dominican Republic, yet he only got censored. No jail time, no community service, no nothing. Got away Scott free.
Eric Holder was cited for CONTEMPT OF CONGRESS for his role in covering up Fast and Furious (where MANY PEOPLE DIED including an American Law Enforcement Officer ), and guess what? He’s still Attorney General !!
What EXACTLY does Contempt of Congress get you?
Chris Dodd and Bawney Fwank brought down the housing market and our economy. Same punishment as the rat Rangle.