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KS Supreme Court: Chad Taylor's Name Will Not Appear On Ballot
| 9-18-14
| AP
Posted on 09/18/2014 3:21:10 PM PDT by lacrew
The Kansas Supreme Court has ordered the state to remove U.S. Senate Democratic nominee Chad Taylor's name from the ballot
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Miscellaneous; Politics/Elections; US: Kansas
KEYWORDS: chadtaylor; cultureofcorruption; democratscandals; election; gregorman; howtostealanelection; kansas; kriskobach; marcelias; patroberts; sillybus
The rule of law has disappeared from Kansas.
posted on
09/18/2014 3:21:10 PM PDT
To: lacrew
But that is not what the law says?
posted on
09/18/2014 3:22:11 PM PDT
(There is no such thing as healing, only a balance between destructive and constructive forces.)
To: lacrew
To: lacrew
Secretary of State Kris Kobach should refuse to violate the law.
posted on
09/18/2014 3:25:16 PM PDT
(I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy)
To: lacrew
And if there is some scandal that destroys the leftover leftist on the ballot, and the dem wants back in, they’d put his name back on the ballot.
There is Rule of Law and Rule by Law. The latter is what’s happening and it is how totalitarians roll.
posted on
09/18/2014 3:26:04 PM PDT
To: lacrew
Not surprised since this is a Sebelius backed court. The liberal locals or locos have been fuming that Kobach is playing politics with this all but it has been the liberal democrats who are corrupting this election with all the underhanded things they have been doing.
One positive note, Greg Orman is turning out to be a bad candidate and no where an independent like he claims. Roberts needs to hammer this home and Orman’s shady business dealings that resulted in a 30 million dollar lawsuit against him and his bankrupt company.
To: lacrew
The Hell with what the law says. We ARE the law.
posted on
09/18/2014 3:27:12 PM PDT
E. Pluribus Unum
("The man who damns money obtained it dishonorably; the man who respects it earned it." --Ayn Rand)
To: lacrew
Democrat judges always seem to rule that democrat power supersedes all laws.
posted on
09/18/2014 3:27:21 PM PDT
(You ever notice that liberalism really just amounts to anti-morality?)
To: lacrew
Yeah. But it couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.
posted on
09/18/2014 3:39:02 PM PDT
(We must destroy the Uniparty or be destroyed by them.)
To: blackdog
The law says two things. First, the candidate who wants off the ballot must state they cannot do the job. KS state supreme court voided that portion of the law.
Second, the dems have to replace the resigning candidate. The court ignored that part of the law.
The rule of law is dead in KS.
posted on
09/18/2014 3:39:08 PM PDT
(All those in favor of gun control raise both hands!)
To: blackdog
Per this link, he is required to either be dead or declare “they are incapable of fulfilling the duties of office”.
Taylor isn’t dead.
And he can’t declare he is incapable of fulfilling the duties of the office - because he is a sitting DA, and apparently capable of fulfilling those duties.
So he just demanded his name be withdrawn.
posted on
09/18/2014 3:42:35 PM PDT
To: lacrew
Osama Obama’s “War Room” must have had something on one or more of the judges.
To: lacrew
Nobody should be surprised. It fits the pattern.
Modern history of Democrats getting their way over Republicans on election issues:
- 2000 - Missouri Democrat Governor declared that the deceased Mel Carnahan would remain on the ballot, and that a vote for Carnahan would be counted as a valid vote. If the late Carnahan won, the Governor would appoint his widow as his replacement. Carnahan should have been declared an invalid candidate, and a vote for him would be a wasted vote.
- 2000 - Florida Supreme Court repeatedly sided with Democrats when Al Gore wanted only Democrat counties' ballots recounted. The SCOTUS overturned the Florida court repeatedly.
- 2002 - New Jersey Supreme Court sided with Democrats when they wanted to replace Robert Torricelli with Frank Lautenberg after the withdrawal period was over and absentee ballots already mailed.
- 2002 - Hawaii Democrat Representative Patsy Mink died shortly after the primary, but her name was allowed to remain on the ballot. Her name won, and that was allowed to trigger a special election a few months later. A vote for Mink should have been a wasted vote.
- 2004 - Washington State governors election between Democrat Christine Gregoire and Republican Dino Rossi. Rossi won the election and the automated recount. Democrats demanded a hand recount where previously unknown ballot boxes kept getting found, and Gregoire eventually pulled ahead by 129 votes. Rossi contested the election in the courts, and the trial judge dismissed the case citing no evidence of deliberate sabatoge by Democrats.
- 2008 - Minnesota Senate race between Republican Norm Coleman and Democrat Al Franken. Coleman won the election, but election officials "found" wrongly discarded absentee ballots which were awarded to Franken, reversing the results. Coleman filed a contest with the court, where a 3-judge panel dismissed the challenge. Coleman appealed to the Minnesota Supreme Court, which unanimously rejected the appeal.
Modern history of Republicans getting their way over Democrats on election issues:
posted on
09/18/2014 3:48:26 PM PDT
Political Junkie Too
(If you are the Posterity of We the People, then you are a Natural Born Citizen.)
To: Gay State Conservative
Naw...a majority of them are fellow travelers, being appointed by Sebelius.
posted on
09/18/2014 3:54:39 PM PDT
To: Political Junkie Too
And THOSE democrats are TODAY’s Harry Reid majority!
Washington election fraud also. (governor race only?)
posted on
09/18/2014 4:02:00 PM PDT
Robert A Cook PE
(I can only donate monthly, but socialists' ABBCNNBCBS continue to lie every day!)
To: blackdog
In that case, who will be the Democrat nominee? The same law that allows withdrawal requires he be replaced on the ballot.
posted on
09/18/2014 5:11:36 PM PDT
(The NSA - "We're the only part of government who actually listens to the people.")
To: lacrew
Heard that Kobach is filing his own lawsuit to keep a democrat any democrat on the ballot. There has to be or else he will not approve.
posted on
09/18/2014 5:44:55 PM PDT
To: lacrew
FWIW here's the court's ruling:
To: DoodleDawg; All
Just another twist in this whole mess. is now reporting a democrat has stepped up to sue to have a democrat candidate put on the ballot.
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