The whole thing now smacks of a “made-for-TV special,” or the latest in Reality Shows. I think it is significant that Frein’s only known employment history is in the movie/entertainment business. In other words, in the field of simulating reality. Frein is supposed to have been an enthusiastic military simulations—”Mil-Sim”—reenactor. So I wonder if what we are seeing here is a “Pol-Sim”—a police simulation.
I'm not so certain I'd want to make any hasty judgments based on this stuff. His mother recently said that he would go off into the woods for days at a time and he's been planning this for quite some time. I know what I'd do in that period of time, even if I wasn't a trained infantry officer. And eluding technology ain't that difficult. Especially if he's had time to prepare. I'm going to hold off on making a snap prediction on a fast ending to this story. Of course, I've been wrong before! LOL
The previous was a simulation ... oh boy ....