And that's a good thing.
This author certainly exhibits his anti Israel bias. I believe the boos were from muslims who were there, not Christians
This author certainly exhibits his anti Israel bias. I believe the boos were from muslims who were there, not Christians
So Cruz was wrong to state that Israel is a better friend to Christians than Muslims? That is right, isn’t it? Doesn’t ISIS demand Christians denounce Israel before murdering them? Not.
Ted has the left scared to death.
The person who wrote this tripe is no conservative, and it angers me that he deigns to lecture us on how conservatives should behave.
It is not senseless, it is precisely the opposite of senseless.
Either America stands for something or it doesn’t.
Either the audience hecklers decide to become Christians or they will remain condemned to Hell for their anti-Semitism (Genesis 12:3 and many more reasons).
Cruz exposed the IslamoNazis (or rather, he permitted them to expose themselves) to public view. GOOD GOING, Senator Cruz!
We need a thorough house-cleaning to remove all the Satanic scum from the USA!
May God Bless America, Pray for America please.
“ supported by sentiments of millions of American evangelicalsand it could cost the lives of many Christians”
So now the liberal press is accusing Cruz of killing Christians.
I think the administration or whatever it is, has done well enough in accomplishing this goad all by itself...
So, how many Christians have the Jews shot into trenches en masse, beheaded, raped, sold into slavery?
Zero, you say?
Then who’s doing those things?
Why it’s the bloody MOHAMMEDAN savages, you ignorant MORONS!!!
Sorry. I was on a roll.
"Shame on you Ted Cruz: what you did is exemplify how the worst of the left and liberals speak. Conservatives, and especially Christians, are supposed to rise far above this abysmal standard."
It appears you left your sarc tag off!!!
It’s not that Cruz is 100% correct. It’s that he’s 100% correct and they can’t stand this.
What world are these liberals living in? If anything, articles like this should reinforce the fact that the American left despises Israel, and blames them for all the turmoil in that part of the world. For all their whining about racism, the white liberal left have no problems going after Ted Cruz with both barrels, do they?
Just ask James Foley. Steve Sotloff, and Daniel Pearl where appeasement of Muslim anti-Semites got them /sarc
So, tell me, is it a coincidence that the group to whom Cruz was speaking, In Defense of Christians, shares the acronym, IDC, with the group, Israel Divestment Campaign?
Christian Reconstructionism
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This article is about the Protestant movement. For other uses, see Reconstructionism (disambiguation).
Christian Reconstructionism is a fundamentalist[1] Calvinist theonomic movement, founded by Rousas John Rushdoony, that has had an important influence on the Christian Right in the United States.[2][3] The movement declined in the 1990s and was declared dead in a 2008 Church History journal article.[4] Christian Reconstructionists are usually postmillennialists and followers of the presuppositional apologetics of Cornelius Van Til. They tend to support a decentralized political order resulting in laissez-faire capitalism.[5]
Reconstructionist perspective[edit]
Main article: Theonomy
Christian Reconstructionists advocate a theocratic government and libertarian economic principles. They maintain a distinction of sphere of authority between family, church, and state.[6][7] For example, enforcement of moral sanctions under theonomy is done by family and church government, and sanctions for moral offenses is outside the authority of civil government (which is limited to criminal matters, courts and national defense). However, these distinctions become blurred, as the application of theonomy typically increases the authority of the civil government; prominent advocates of Christian Reconstructionism have written that according to their understanding, God’s law approves of the death penalty not only for murder, but also for propagators of all forms of idolatry,[8][9] active homosexuals,[10] adulterers, practitioners of witchcraft, and blasphemers,[11] and perhaps even recalcitrant youths[12] (see the List of capital crimes in the Bible).
American Vision’s Joel McDurmon responded to these criticisms by denying that Reconstructionists have promoted coercive means.[13]
Middle Eastern Christians have no greater friend than the French at the moment. Prove me wrong!
the author of this editorial doesn’t even try to hide his anti-Semitism.
the very idea that such a distorted/falsified editorial could even be published....shows that Christianity in USA is in serious, serious trouble
despite the best efforts of many of our churches (of various denominations), priests and pastors.... we have a terrible Satanic fever on the loose (remember the Democratic convention where they actually booed America and Israel?)...
so we got the current administration. the haters (including such as Pelosi, Sharpton, and many more) are having their way
will we be able to cure this awful sickness? Has there ever been a nation that successfully reversed such a cancer within its society and body politic?
Really ..????
What Senator Cruz was saying is found in Genesis 12:3, where GOD said to Abraham, “I will bless those who bless you.”
What GOD meant was exactly what He said - those who bless and support and defend Israel will in fact be blessed.
I stand with Senator Cruz .. I believe 100% in supporting, defending and blessing Israel. If people don’t agree with what GOD said, then I guess they don’t want or expect GOD to bless them. So be it ..!!!!