Yes. And the kid didn't do that thing in the future.
One simple spanking, and the entire future of the kid changed.
Well, spanking does work, and so do behavior modification techniques. Many children don’t need spanking because the behavior modification techniques worked.
Inconsistency is one reason why so many children don’t learn better ways. This happy parent poster reminds me of a neighbor we once had.
Her toddler chomped down on my kids finger. Her mom said, now Tammy that’s not nice, I’m gonna count to 10, and if you haven’t stopped you will have a time out.
Well my oldest daughter happened to be there, and she stepped in and gave the kid a little flip with her finger on the kid’s shoulder, and she let loose with a wail. Then she scooped up her sister and brought her to me.
Yep, she brought blood, but I didn’t rant and rave about it either. They both learned a lesson.