Wildcat I think your point about the NC ad is irrelevant. The ad does run to the left of the Democrats on Social Security. Yes, it’s a jumbled ad that jumps around, but for purposes here that’s not a criticism I am going to worry about.
As for Obama Care, it is fatuous to say that Crossroads is running an effective campaign against Obama Care. And their attacks on Obama Care are again from the left. I also think you’re expecting a 600 word article to cover every single nuance in detail. With 3000 words, maybe, but not an article of this length. There is nothing misleading about the headline or the main thrust of the article.
Mark Levin, Breitbart, American Thinker - and numerous other outlets have chosen to feature (the two different) articles I’ve written on these ads.
Damage Control...
I think there is more direct consternation with those respective incumbents positions or lack of them over the price for a gallon of gas , rising electric prices,or both directly connected with coping with those costly and pesky EPA regulations than on when to apply for a government retirement package.
Why is it necessary for an applicant to wait until age 70 to apply for Social Security for full benefits? Could be the question . Not when ?
Rove’s Crossroad’s useless interjection could be used that way by our two conservatives. Bringing up our ebbing manufacturing base and the democrat policies which created that need ie don’t get diverted stay directed.