The Feds will be in your local city or town the day before the reason for them being there is made public. Bet on it. Only they know when they will create the crisis.
Good point ... I to hate the lack of transparency at the Federal level.
They know they've run the country into the ground (through deliberately evil decisions or through short-sighted stupidity really doesn't matter at this point), and they know they couldn't stop it if they wanted to at this point. So they've done the next smartest thing: Placed the assets needed to keep their brand of order on the ground.
Not that I doubt that a few deliberate agitators will be involved--but at the most they'll just be the spark. We the people have laid the tinder for decades now.
I believe they THINK they believe that they will control when the crisis hits,
but I don’t think that’s how it will go down.
The “crisis” will come under God’s control, and it will be a surprise to everyone - but much more so to two groups.
One, the group that thinks they were going to “throw the switch”,
and two, the group that didn’t know the crisis was coming at all.