Hi! We're the Chinese military. We're too backwards and stupid to carry water purification kits with us.
That’s Bean With Bacon soup. Now, I have no idea what that is dripping out of Murray’s bowl there on the right, but I think I’d eat dry noodles if any of it gets in the big wok.
Uhh. Boiling water is more effective than tablets.
As I discovered the time I picked up Giardia in SE Utah.
Backpacking in the desert I’ve drunk from less attractive water sources. Actually, if you’re careful, bacterial contamination and such is no big deal. The big danger in some desert areas is toxic water, arsenic and such.
Wok This Way.
ROWPU units anybody? Surely they have heard of these things. This isn’t really surprising though considering that the Russians had entire battalions our of the fight in Afghanistan because of dysentery from poor hygiene. Backwards countries are just that, backwards.