Whites made up 72% of the voters, blacks 13%, latinos 10%, and Asians 3%.
The demographics of this country have been rapidly changing. Immigrants and minorities vote more than two to one Democrat. 87% of the 1.1 million legal immigrants who enter annually are minorities as defined by the USG. We are importing each year hundreds of thousands of future Dem voters. By 2019 half of the children 18 and under will be minorities. Each cohort that turns 18 annually is more Dem than the previous one. By 2043 we will be a majority minority country. Demography is destiny.
I’M aware of all that and it scares the crap out of me.To me that means we need to win all of the elective reps in 2014 and 2016 to even have a prayer. I’m all about winning elections. Bray’s formula for winning local elections is brilliant I just don’t know if it works nationally or not.
Romney lost because the Repubs never turned out. This election and his was not won in the middle, it was lost on the Right. He gave nobody a reason to vote for him and had a horrible GOTV plan. The dirty little secret is, the middle actually likes leaders and the sweet spot for voters is 10% to the right.
Lot’s of those minority numbers were thanks to 110% turnouts. You get your Repubs to vote and voter fraud doesn’t work.