I think there is a certain fascination (schadenfreude?) in Europe for the idea that Jews are acting like Nazis. Are the Israeli’s really acting like Nazis? Of course not, but one who is historically ignorant, or pretends to be, can claim there is. I’ve been on several sites where people are cavalierly throwing out terms like ethnic cleansing and genocide. This is totally absurd since the Palestinian population has quadrupled in the West Bank and Gaza since 1970.
This is especially true among Germans, who have been on the defensive about their past treatment of Jews. This is the perfect excuse to get some payback nearly 70 years of being made to feel guilty about the Holocaust. Was that guilt justified? Yes, but that still stirs resentment in the person being browbeaten. The younger Germans who had no role in WWII and, therefore, don’t want to feel morally inferior anymore.
Like the old saying goes, the Germans will never forgive the Jews for the Holocaust.